wow, I'm surprised to find all of these problems caused by the mirena. I've had mirena for almost 2 years now, & thought that it was great. I've been having a lot of medical problems, I've been to so many different doctors because of them, with no real explanation of why. About a year 1/2 ago, I became really ill with some sort of throat infection. It's the worst that I ever been. The doc's prescribed me with a very strong penicillin. I had a severe face rash from that. First time I've every had a reaction to medicine. He then put me on other
Antibiotics . Two more to be exact, plus pain meds for my throat, it took 2 months before i felt sort've normal. Since then the glands in my throat have been bothering me. It still hurts every other day. Not to mention severe headaches. The kind that makes to sit down because, if you don't you might black-out from the pain. I've had low blood pressure with High cholesterol. My back had problems, still does. My hip & right knee hurts, It hurts so bad that I insisted on having an x-rays done. I've had chest pains on & off. I was told it was because of scoliosis. Later found out that I had a stomach infection. Then my neck hurts on & off all the time. Pain. I've had shooting pains in the face. My hands started having circulation problems. Joint pain. The doctors said it must be carpal tunnel. So, I had the nerve test done. Test says the nerves are fine. But the doctor still insist that it must be carpal tunnel. Then a few weeks ago, as I was walking across the room, I felt pain on the bottom of my foot. I laughed because I thought that I strained something just walking across the room. I was wrong. The other one hurts just the same. Since then my heels hurt just as my hands do. I'm unable to do simples tasks, because of my hands & feet. I am frustrated because the doctors can't tell me anything. Yes, I had tonnes of blood work done, no
Sugar level problems, I've had a ultra sound of my heart.Eveything was normal. The muscles in my hands have started to deteriorate. I'm 35 years old, I weight 53 kilos (116 lbs.) I eat healthy foods, I rarely drink, I don't smoke. I used to be pretty active up until all of these symptoms came along. Has anyone had anything like this? I' found this site, because my husband, has been searching for answers too. He said the iud might be causing all of these problems???? O. I no longer have any bleeding. I had the copper iud previously, but bled too much. That's why I chose the mirena. I chose not to take pills because I had sun spots develope as a side effect from taking them. i live in Australia. o.the past few months i've also developed pimples. eww.. not to mention depression.