I am utterly outraged with CUREZONE.
I have written a post about the raw food diet (on the DEBATE forum)and I have received a warning and have been denied access to a reply. I haven't in any way offended anyone, used improper language or personal attacks. I have posted something that I found about Viktoras Kulvinskas.. Something that he wrote HIMSELF about the raw food diet, and I supported my point of view by quoting his own experiences, as he is considered the GURU for the raw food lyfestyle.
I have not offended him either. I have the right to disagree and I have the right to express my opinion.
So much for a debate forum. This is ridiculous and outrageous, and just reflects the control and brainwash that this world wants to perpetrate on individuals.
I will NEVER EVER use curezone again. It's abusurd and pathethic to stop someone from disagreeing with your view. Specially on a DEBATE forum.