A three day fast would probably be very good for you...but I'm not so sure about
the smoothie's you mentioned buying at Walmart. They're probably loaded with sugar
and no telling what else. NOW I DON'T MEANT TO BE NEGATIVE!!! I can't say for
sure...because I've never bought anything like that. Or even checked the labels...
but I can almost say for certain....if it's packaged and came from Walmart...it
probably has things in it that are bad for you. You 'could' get one of your smoothies...look on it and see what the ingredients are...and post that on here...
I'm sure you'll get lots of responses. :-)
Just reading a few of your posts...and I haven't even come close to reading them all...but it would be 'my' guess that you have internal yeast. And that's a doozie
to get rid of. But you can do your own searches on the internet and come up with
things to try. I think there's even a forum on curezone for yeast problems.
Just research anything that's recommended to you by anyone...don't waste money
on things that may not help you.
When you get to Oklahoma...check on DAY ONE...to see if there's a Whole Foods store
near by....and if there is...go there right off the bat and apply for a job there.
Their pay is through the roof even in the beginning...plus you'd get a discount
on the things you need to make yourself well again.
The solution is there, Kevin...and I know it's hard to think when you're so miserable....believe me...I've been there....most of us have. Many of us have had
such painful and or serious illnesses...that we were so panicked and in such
distress we could barely think. But just take it slow....just put one foot in front
of the other one...take one step at a time...and you'll make it.
So you're leaving Tuesday....and driving 20 hours straight through...is that right?
What state are you starting from....?
keep us posted!!! kathryn