There's two types of resins: 1) cationic exchange and 2) anionic exchange. Home water softeners use the cationic resins and can exchange sodium, in the place where calcium and magnesium previously were.
If you have nickel in your water at levels above the EPA max, then you need to write congressmen, local politicians, television stations, et cet. Nickel is a known carcinogen and that would be a public health hazard which would likely get attention.
cationic resins do not remove fluoride. for that, one would use an anionic resin, but , they're much more costly than the cationic ones. People wanting to remove fluoride typically go two routes: 1) reverse osmosis system, or 2) distillation. A good RO unit removes both heavy metals, and about 90% or more of the fluoride. The fluoride anion is very tiny and can slip thru the membrane in small amounts.