I have recently begun following "The Maker's Diet", but I have a question about using the plan with children. About four years ago, my second son, now age 10, began gaining weight. We immediately changed our diet and eliminated white flour and sugar, added whole grains and more vegetables, and increased protein. The weight gain continued. We have worked with a nutritionist and a personal trainer and sought advice from several doctors. Nothing has worked. In doing all of this, he actually gained 23
pounds from March to September. Talk about frustration. We recently visited a new doctor, who is somewhat homeopathic, and she ran several tests, including thyroid, gluten/casein intolerance and cortisol levels. We get the results tomorrow. In the meantime, I have totally "organiced" our pantry and fridge. I will buy raw milk this week and have the opportunity to join an organic fruit and veggie co-op. My son will also begin taking the kids' Primal Defense tomorrow. However, he can't swallow the other supplements that come in pill form. Does anyone have any advice for me? What supplements may benefit him? I know that Jordan talks about losing weight in his books, but will it work for a child when nothing else has worked? I appreciate any help!