In case anyone needs this for reference.
I took advice from a few different forums and put them together, as my eyes were in real bad shape.
I started lastnight with a bath of Epsom salt and Apple Cider Vinegar.Washed my eyes out with Saline, dabbed some ACV around (not in) my eyes and put a hot compress on them while I soaked in the tub. I don't think the bath part is neccesary, I just felt like it. After I got out, I washed eyes out again with Saline cause the hot compress and ACV draws stuff out of the eyes, put 2 drops of Silver in each eye and went to bed. This morning, after sleeping all night without sore eyes waking me up, I immediately washed them out again with saline and put 2 more drops each of Silver and now they feel ALOT better, although still very red, the swelling has gone down and the itching has subsided, I plan on the same routine tonight. So, a few more days of washing, hot compresses, ACV, and Silver drops and it should be gone, I'll keep ya posted.
Thanks for all the advice~~~