teilo, sounds like some of the chapters your book are not all that different from some in mine..... things happen in this world without the requisite explanation to fully satisfy the uninformed, what a novel concept. Who knew? I don't know what chemtrails are, don't know who's creating them, nor for how long, or why?. All these don't knows does not mean they don't exist, does not mean my eyes stopped working. It means the same as what many other circumstances in this world mean; there are a lot of circumstances in thsi world for which nobody knows why/how/when/where? To the proofists, I guess this means circumstances generally do not happen cause they don't exist. So goes the same for the paranoid. As far as this goes there is quite the cast of informants on the chemtrail front. Just more tuff to end up not knowing the truth to. Who's to say who the real disinformants are and are not? Carnicom appears to be one of them doing the most damage at stoking unfounded, sensational fear and paranoia, itself which seems to be just one of those fancy words that people don't understand, so they speak them often and repeatedly, possibly because in their own mind it sounds like a good way to cover up what they otherwise don't know. So goes the same for the proofists that proliferate these days.
Here is another reference to the chemtrail chapter, another component that I can confidently say I do know know most of the whys, hows, whens and wherefores to. If nothing else this should be really good grist for the still-programmed amongst' us, especialy anyone getting way too much fluroide in their water.
MaryAnne, there's a sort of hump that gifters (hopefully) eventually get over in terms of sky-viewing during heavy spew episodes.
The natural response, like the one you express in this thread, is to get furious when that many spewplanes get busy overhead but fury is counterproductive when it's expressed on boards like this one, which is why I ask new gifters to be patient and see how long the spewtrails take to dissipate, especially on heavy spew days.
Also, gifting in neighborhoods, at businesses, etc., shows us another aspect of the power of orgonite to transform our environment and the confidence and empowerment we feel from these efforts sort of bleeds over into our atmospheric efforts, too.
Most who notice chemtrails, now, didn't see them when they were actually a health threat, more than four years ago. That's because the present, impotent chemtrails are apparently spewed for psychological effect. Having travelled extensively by road and by air back and forth across the country since that time, I've tracked the complete defeat of the chemtrail program, as it was before. Also, I've seen literally no new cases of chemtrail sicknesses since that time and, since I'm in the healing trade, I'm in a position to track that stuff. Untold millions of people are still chronically sick from chemtrail exposure before that time, though.
On heavy spew days the sewer rats apparently spray several kinds of mixes. In our experience, the stuff that lasts the longest in teh sky is also the least harmful or even just ordinary skywriting material. The really bad spew disappears instantly, even when no gifting has been done. I hope you'll take note of which planes spew that, next time they dogpile your skies.
The reason that the really toxic spew disappears instantly is because there are enough cloudbusters on sevreral continents to achieve that happy result. That distribution victory was achieved in a grassroot way (most were spontaneously home-made) before the summer of 2002--several thousand orgonite cloudbusters in the countries where chemtrails had sickened many millions of people. Even this stuff goes away fast when enough of the death towers and HAARP facilities in one's region have been disabled.
This sort of good news doesn't get a lot of play, of course, because we're all rather programmed to respond to sensationalism. Disinformants like Carnicom regularly terrorize unwitting and otherwise intelligent people with tall, unsubstantiated tales of designer weaponry from the skies. By the way, I've only heard of one case of Morgellon's Disease and that was second hand from someone who has no reputation that I'm aware of. Carnicom says Morgellon's is an endemic now. Due to the nature of my business, I'm usually among the first to hear about new diseases, which puts me in a position to identify which are fake. As I said, chemtrails from before mid-2002 account for millions of new designer diseases, all of which are easily treatable, except by serial killers (MDs).
I rather hope that the longer-lingering spew will induce the more diligent gifters to extend the range of their gifting sorties rather than incite them to vent impotent rage at the world odor on this board on account of skywriting. Anger is best used to defeat the sewer rats, of course, and the wonderful part of venting anger in a constructive way is that the anger itself dissipates before we realize it. It's wonderful to live without persistent anger, I can tell you--nobody was more pi$$ed of than I was before I found out what orgonite and predator-blasting can do to the world odor.