Well, I've lost my cleansing buddy! My husband caved last night and ate a whole pizza.
The small headache I had yesterday turned into a full blown KILLER by evening. I took a bath in ACV last night which lessened it enough for me to sleep. I still had it when I woke up this morning. After my
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) had gone through, the headache was gone. Several hours later, it is back in full force. I'm trying to drown it with water and lemonade. That seems to be helping a little. I am contemplating taking a nap when I put my kids down for theirs, but I had things that I wanted to do while they were sleeping. We'll see how I feel then.
Hang in there fasters!! Everyone is doing a wonderful job. Even though I have a horrible headache, I am still excited to be back on the MC!!