I noticed :)
Here is something back.... grab it while it's still available - the entire list of Dr. William Donald Kelley "cancer lessons" from his now defunct web site, but available as of 5 minutes ago via Wayback.
There is one thing I'm still leery about with commercial supplements in general. It comes from having read a lot of Kelley's writings, especially the cancer lessons. In lesson #2 he talks about how the Metabolic Program he developed had eventually ben sabotaged, partly due to some of his own internal employees (and even his then wife and lawyer/accountatn), partly due to the establishment leaning on a big corp supplement manufacturer (we're talking BIG manufacturer who in turn distributes to most other commercial providers) to remove key active ingredients from supplements. Don't know what all this may still affect, but I'm still a bit leery.
There is not ONE doctor in the world today who treats cancer! Historically we are repeating the very same lesson we learned in 1930.Dr. Kelley?s
The Cancer Victim going untreated will die a horrible, painful death. The Orthodox Physician who uses surgery, radiation and chemotherapy is not treating cancer. The Alternative ?doctor? who prescribes herbs, shark cartilage, black salve, laetrile, vitamins, etc. is not treating cancer. The Chinese doctor who prescribes 6 cockroaches and 3 grasshoppers daily is not treating cancer. These items may help something else in one?s body, but will not properly treat one?s cancer.
Even should these ?Quacks? prescribe pancreatic enzymes for the cancer victim, they are not treating cancer.
The cancer victim must treat himself by taking a safe, effective, uncontaminated form of PANCREATIN in adequate dosages and change his diet.
The ?Quacks? of our society are not permitted to treat cancer, should they choose to, nor do they know how. The ?Quacks? of our society are only permitted to treat Malignant Tumors and one?s purse.
The great charlatans of our civilization, like Wm. Rockefeller with his snake oil, P. T. Barnum with his circus, Barney Cornfield with his investment and insurance schemes must look down from heaven or up from hell, green with envy and jealousy. They must beg God for a chance to be a modern day physician.
By the time you and/or your physician discover a malignant tumor mass, you have had cancer for 2 or more years. You have to face the truth that cancer is nothing more than the failure of your pancreas to produce adequate pancreatin and your body to deliver it to the site of an injury or stimulated defective cell.
The cancer victim does not have to be a party to his own plunder and murder. He must properly treat his own cancer, as he is the only one who can. He must embark on a ?Do-It-Yourself? program.
The cancer victim wants someone else to do it for him. However that is impossible, for only
?the victim himself can properly treat his own cancer.
For the time being, it is not illegal to treat yourself. How long will the Establishment permit it? Only God knows.Those who are wise enough to realize wealth is not determined in Silver, Gold or Diamonds should consider obtaining a supply of pancreatin Health is also an important asset.
In 1904, only one American in 24 had cancer in his lifetime. In the 40 years since I cured myself of terminal pancreatic cancer and guided some 33,000 cancer victims to health, the CANCER RATE has increased from one in five, to now, as you read this, the CANCER RATE is one in two. And the Cancer Industry calls this Progress Against Cancer ? the lie, the big lie. The War on Cancer is the plundering war of our peoples, not a war on cancer.
The next year Scott, as a graduate student in physiology, was doing experiments on dogs that had had their pancreas removed or tied off. When the Diener (a German word for laboratory assistant-animal-attendant employee of the university) quit because of the fly problem and sticky urine puddles from these dogs, Scott immediately figured out that the urine had high concentrations of sugar. This led Scott to discover insulin and separate the insulin secretions from the pancreatin. No one had ever done that before.
Scott went on to Columbia University to get his Ph.D. and remained on staff for years. His Doctorate Dissertation was the development of the Standard Blood Test for Diabetes. The story is too long to go into here, however, Eli Lilly Co., was only a name on a garage until the 1930?s when they started producing insulin by stealing Scott?s 1911 insulin process.
In 1997, the Eli Lilly Trust Fund was the richest in the world. It exceeded the Ford Foundation for the first time.
The Medical Establishment used the pancreatin part of Scott?s research and patented it. They then gave this monopoly to the Viobin Company, a subsidiary of the A.H. Robins Pharmaceutical Co.
Essentially Viobin has the worldwide monopoly for the production of pancreatin, just as Lilly has the worldwide monopoly for insulin.
The Medical Establishment gave the 35 million-dollar plant, having never been used, that Oscar Meyer made to go into competition with Viobin when Viobin?s patent ran out in August 1983, to the Viobin Company for $5 million in one of their typical procedures.
? All Pancreatin comes from one company, Scientific Protein Laboratories.
? All Vitamins come from Hoffmann-LaRoche Inc., Nutley, New Jersey.
? All Minerals come from Eastman Kodak Co. in Rochester, New York.
Thus, from the beginning of time, diabetes was a death sentence, until in 1911, when Professor Scott discovered and documented the cause and cure of Diabetes. All Physicians had only treated the results of diabetes, such as heart, liver and kidney damage, gangrene and blindness, but not diabetes. Everything went along the same as usual, diabetic patients dying, until the 1920?s when Dr. Scott developed and standardized the blood test for diabetes. During this period, the Medical Establishment in their pompous ignorance and diabolical greed murdered Dr. Scott?s wife and only son with the use of Biological agents. The Eli Lilly Co. was given the sole and only monopoly for the manufacture and sale of insulin, by the Big Establishment, which controls all monopolies. Lilly?s problem was, they could not make insulin. Therefore by stealth, deceit and conspiracy, a Lilly conspirator confiscated Scott?s procedures and technique for production of insulin.
The big Sanhedrin?s Medical Establishment Mafia then forced Sir Dr. Frederick Banting, a biologist, to accept a Doctor of Medicine degree that he did not want and in which he had no interest. Next the Establishment gave the Nobel Prize to Banting (a very honorable man) and Best (not so honorable) to cover up Lilly?s theft of Scott?s scientific discovery. Thus, the Big Establishment conferred credibility upon Eli Lilly and Company. Lilly has had the monopoly on insulin ever since, making hundreds of millions of dollars down through the years.
So it is today, the physician only treats malignant tumor masses, blood and immune system failures, by what in the vernacular is called the slash (surgery), burn (radiation and poison (chemotherapy) procedures. Any physician who tries to use any other procedures, regardless of scientific data on its effectiveness, are subject to the following hazards:
1. He is immediately stripped of his license to practice medicine; and/or is
2. Thrown in jail for at least one year; and/or is
3. Run out of the country; (usually Mexico) and/or is
4. Killed. (I have been poisoned 3 times and shot at once.
For the time being, the CANCER victim must treat his/her own cancer. Legally, one must also allow the physician to treat the results of CANCER and plunder and frequently kill the victim. (Dr. Kelley?s Pancreas Self-Examination Procedure for early detection of pancreatic failure is carefully outlined in LESSON(4) DO I HAVE CANCER?
I bring this message to you for several reasons. First, to remind you how desperately ill Cancer Victims become and how easy it is for me to tell them what is needed to regain their health. Also, how exceedingly difficult it is for them to do it. Cancer Victims have to give up any hope they might have that their Orthodox or Alternative Treatments can be more than 20% successful. Although their honest physicians tell them this, it remains hard to let go of the faintest glimmer of hope. The discipline necessary to do our Metabolic Program is a high hurdle for all Cancer Victims.
For example a young man, Scott Stirling, a seriously ill cancer victim, came to my little office (a 3-room shack) in Grapevine, Texas. At this point, the Metabolic Nutritional Supplements were pure and uncontaminated. The Medical Establishment was livid with me personally and deceived themselves that I was a health food nut and no threat to their 100 Billion-Dollar a year CANCER Racket of Plunder and Murder.
Scott, of course, like other Cancer Victims, had to work very hard to reverse the progression of his terminal illness. Our Metabolic Paradigm was and is as true as gravity. Like other scientists before me who found the Truth down through history, the Establishment tries with all their diabolic schemes and tricks to destroy the Truth. Truth is a most difficult thing to destroy. If the Establishment cannot destroy it, they then make an all out effort to control and profit from it, as above in the case of insulin.
I would be doing you the reader, a disservice should I fail to tell you the whole story. Hope is a most powerful healing tool. However, false hope, dishonest and deceitful, deliberate misrepresentation is wickedness to the point of sin. The Cancer Victim obtains more than his share of FALSE HOPE from the Establishment?s Orthodox Medical Community. When the Cancer Victim discerns this in his fight for life and abandons orthodox medicine, he is devastated. At this point, the Cancer Victim in his search for health, understanding and TRUTH falls prey to the ruthless wolves of Alternative Medicine and health care. Both Orthodox and Alternative health professionals are not necessarily wicked, but they are all ignorant and unscientific in their treatment of cancer.
The Cancer Victim should take careful note that the support organizations of these plunderers also derive their income as leeches from the ignorance abounding in the Cancer misinformation mania of our civilization. From the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, the various Aids organizations, to the Cancer Control Society, to the Cancer Clinics in Mexico, a lot of money and misinformation changes hands with very little TRUTH or HELP.
I am taking the liberty of listing briefly some of the techniques used by the Establishment since the 1960?s to SUPPRESS THE CANCER CURE, to maintain their control and further their 100 billion dollar a year ?Cancer Racket.? My trials by Establishment experiences have been extensive in the field of medicine and particularly the area of CANCER. Your first reaction to this is to stop here and mark this off as the ranting and ravings of a religious right-wing NUT. However, you do have a brain, no matter how washed and laundered and programmed it may be. You can still think and reason and know right from wrong, TRUE from FALSE, and the ring of righteousness from the thud of wickedness.
What I will communicate to you over the next few pages is:
1. The Medical Establishment does not want a CURE FOR CANCER and absolutely will not permit a CURE for any reason at any cost.
2. CANCER is a very simple dysfunction to properly treat.
3. The CANCER VICTIM must treat the cancer himself as the physicians in our society are not permitted to treat CANCER, only the effects of cancer.
4. It is most difficult to CURE your own cancer.
5. The Establishment deceives you with a multitude of tricks.
6. It takes dedication and hard work to follow the correct Metabolic Program
7. The Orthodox Medical Community plunders Cancer Victims. A major part of the dread that cancer victims and their families is not only the fear of physical suffering with little hope for a cure, but also the financial destruction that they face.
8. Cancer Victims are used and abused Establishment research animals. The physical torture they have to undergo from surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy has been described by one of my recent patients as worse than the tortures of he suffered in a Japanese concentration camp in World War II.
While Scott was sitting in my office getting his Metabolic Nutritional Program the Establishment was continuing their relentless attack on the Scientific Paradigm, which I advanced. This attack has been ongoing since I published the scientific treatise in a little 38-page booklet, ONE ANSWER TO CANCER, in December 1967. Early in 1970 the Establishment had obtained a copy and went berserk, promptly throwing me in Jail. Using their Establishment Media, The Fort Worth Star Telegram, the usual smear job belched forth to warn the public of the villain in their midst and to beware of ?QUACKS.?
This ruthlessness and lawlessness has gone on since the ?Garden,? which I thoroughly understand from history, as well as personal experience. I am reminded of another Dentist, Dr. William T.G. Morton, the one who first discovered general anesthesia and the wicked ways in which he was treated by the Establishment, even having to suffer the theft of his paradigm and being discredited until long after his death. Even today the Establishment tries to discredit him.
We politely refer to the ENEMY WITHIN as the Establishment. We all know it exists in all areas of civilization: Political, Economic, Legal, Education, Health, Media, and Religion. The inclusive extent and wickedness of the Establishment is beyond the mental capacity of one to conceive and comprehend. The overthrow of our government and our institutions is complete. This overthrow of our institutions has not been with guns but with words, bribes, stealth, and acts of deceit.
When Scott was in my office, I had just gone through every court in Texas and the U.S. Supreme Court seeking my First Amendment Constitutional rights. However, the Establishment controls the courts and said I had no 1st amendment right or freedom of speech, freedom of press, or freedom to publish a scientific paper. In fact the Establishment was so angry and livid, they claimed the book was practicing medicine on anyone who read it. ?Dr. Kelley is a clear and present danger to Society? (Establishment interests). Only Justice William O. Douglas dissented (1971). I am not allowed to have a copy of the book.
Like Scott, almost everyone who visited me, or followed this little 38-page booklet, recovered in about 6 months. During this period of time, if it took longer than 6 months the victim was not following the booklet or continued with chemotherapy and/or radiation.
To say this upset the local Oncologists throughout the country was the understatement of the Century. Among Cancer Victims this booklet spread like a wild forest fire. Many Cancer Victims never visited me, but nevertheless recovered and went on their way to health.
Of course, this was reported to the Local State Medical Boards, which in turn reported to the Medical Establishment.
Grapevine, Texas, the site of the dental office, was 4-5 miles north of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport. Counselees flying into D/FW would rent a car and drive to my office. The police would take the rental car?s license down, then go to the rental agency and get name and address of counselees. In addition to giving the information to the Establishment the police would send it to the hometown of the counselee so their local police could keep surveillance on them. Many entrapment tricks both in Texas and Hometowns were used frequently
The State Legislature specifically by law exempted sales tax on food and vitamins. The Comptroller, Bob Bullock (later to become Lt. Governor) said he made a specific arbitrary ruling for me [by Establishment?s orders]. I just ignored him. Being challenged, the Comptroller got nasty and sent his henchmen to threaten me. I told them ?I?ll make a deal with you. You can pay for a clerk to collect it for you. I only work for myself. Or, you can set up a card table outside my front door and collect the taxes yourself. I?ll even let you store your card table inside my office overnight. You had better have a beach umbrella also, sitting outside in the Texas Sun gets hot.? Last December, I received a Christmas card from Lt. Governor & Mrs. Bullock.
Not too long after this, we moved to a tiny town of 200 in Winthrop, Washington. The Establishment was enraged to a point of hate and action. One wintry night our home was burned to the ground. All was lost including the older stored medical records and our pets.
During this period, no Establishment trick was overlooked to stop me. The Establishment-controlled Federal agency, Internal Revenue Service, used all its reserve tricks, and like the Texas Comptroller made up several new rules in their attempt to stop me. I guess I was too dumb to let it bother me, and I went right on my way helping as many people as God would send.
The battles became intense with the Hollywood Actor Steve McQueen..
McQueen felt well and demanded that the unsightly bulge on his right side and little nodule on the left side of his neck be surgically removed. I was against this at the time but McQueen insisted.
When this failed, the Establishment?s next plan was to send a mole or infiltrator into the Kelley organization so that as close a call as the McQueen episode could never happen again.
A Cornell medical student, Gonzalez, who had failed after the second year in medical school, was wandering in and out of the unorthodox medical community looking for help for his own mental instability and illness. During this fruitless search, Gonzalez stumbled onto the Kelley Program, which he mentioned to his psychiatrist.
With the help of his psychoanalyst, Colter Rule, M.D. and wife Betty Gessels, M.D., (high level Establishment members in NYC), Gonzalez, and a major faction of the Establishment, forced Robert A. Good, Ph.D., M.D., President of Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center/Institute, to sponsor Nicholas J. Gonzalez? review of Kelley?s records and expose Kelley as a Quack. This project, being most important to the Establishment, led Cornell Medical School to eventually give Gonzalez an unearned M.D. degree.
The infighting of the Medical Establishment over this project forced the most renowned medical researcher of all history to be fired and dismissed from Sloan-Kettering and shipped out to Oklahoma City. The Establishment gave the green light to Gonzalez to carefully investigate the Kelley Program and get the information to expose me as a fraud. This backfired on the Big Establishment as the second communication from Gonzalez to Good after Gonzalez reviewed the first 139 of thousands of records in my possession showed.
Robert A. Good, M.D.,
2 September
Medical Research Foundation (At Oklahoma Allergy Clinic)Dear Dr. Good,
I hadn?t meant to write you so soon again, but I?ve just finished sifting through the first 139 of Dr. Kelley?s patient records and found the initial results interesting enough to pass on my findings. While I intend to concentrate on the cancers we discussed ? pancreatic, colon, lung, perhaps breast ? I?ve included all the initial results just for interest?s sake.
Again, as I wrote in my first letter to you, I do not yet have the actual biopsy reports or other lab data documenting the diagnosis, but I have found Dr. Kelley does keep information regarding how the tumors were diagnosed.
I found these results, particularly for pancreatic, quite intriguing. His overall survival rate for all cancer in this first group is 93% ? and I have found, going through Dr. Kelley?s records, virtually all of his patients have advanced disease. Many have come to him because no further conventional treatment could be offered.
Nick Gonzalez
#Pts on # Deceased # Survival times in years to ? present while on program
Tumor type
| |||||||
| 1
| 0
| 2
| ||||
| 1
| 0
| 1
| ||||
Basal cell
| 1
| 0
| 3
| ||||
Bile duct
| 1
| 0
| 5
| ||||
| 2
| 0
| 5,6
| ||||
| 2
| 0
| 5,6
| ||||
| 30
| 3
| 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5, 5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8,10
| ||||
| 3
| 0
| 2,3,4
| ||||
| 1
| 0
| 2
| ||||
Colon (all advanced)
| 15
| 0
| 1,1,2,3,3,5,5,6,6,7,8,8,8,10,13
| ||||
Ewing?s sarcoma
| 1
| 1
| 2
| ||||
Fibrous Histiocytoma
| (1)
| 0
| 5
| ||||
| 4
| 0
| 1,1,3,10
| ||||
Leukemia (unclassified)
| 1
| 0
| 8
| ||||
Leukemia, acute ???? lymphocytic
| 2
| 0
| 1/2,2
| ||||
Leukemia, acute Leukemia , chronic 1 0 1 | 2
| 0
| 4,5
| ||||
| 0
| 1
| ||||
| 6
| 2
| 2,3,4,6,8,8
| ||||
Lymphoma | 14
| 1
| 1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,5,5,5,5,13
| ||||
| 5
| 2
| 1,3,4,4,6
| ||||
Metastatic ??? (adenocarcinoma)
| 2
| 0
| 6,6
| ||||
Multiple myeloma
| (2)
| 0
| 1,3
| ||||
| 3
| 0
| 2,5,8
| ||||
Pancreatic 4 diagnosed at exploratory
| 8
| 0
| 1,3,3,4,5,7,8,8
| ||||
| 1
| 0
| 5 1/2
| ||||
| (1)
| 0
| 9
| ||||
| 8
| 0
| ?,2,3,3,3,4,4,8
| ||||
| (1)
| 0
| 4
| ||||
| 1
| 0
| 5
| ||||
Skin, unclassified
| 6
| 0
| 1,2,2,3,3,8
| ||||
Small intestine
| (2)
| 0
| 3, 7 1/2
| ||||
| 2
| 0
| 4 1/2,6
| ||||
| (1)
| 0
| 6
| ||||
| 1
| 0
| 3 1/2
| ||||
| 6
| 0
| 3,3,6,7,8,10
| ||||
A. Poisoned (food) me 3 times to the point of Grand Mall Seizures 3-4 times a week for 14 Months;
B. Tried to shoot me once during this time;
C. Sent the usual IRS agents to do me in;
D. Bought off and bribed my Lawyer and Accountant;
E. Set up a take over of the Kelley organization by employees and wife (standard Establishment procedure);
F. Offered Kelley $500,000.00 to kill a counselee;
G. Caused a vitamin manufacturer of supplements Kelley often used to take all active ingredients out of Kelley Program Supplements.
and danger of the Kelley Metabolic Program
The Establishment?s Tom Brokaw and his ?side kick authority figure Art Euline, M.D., a Gynecologist? (not an oncologist) did a first class smear job of discrediting me on the NBC TODAY show.
Several months later, BBC with Prince Charles produced a real hatchet job on me. I had several contacts (friends) in England, one was a former Jehovah Witness from New Zealand, and one was a Mormon from the U.S. A few months before the BBC show, I went to London and made the rounds of available hospital facilities from the Florence Nightingale to the City Hospitals. These backers had agreed to financially support moving the Kelley operations to England. Using the FBI-tapped phone lines, the Big Establishment both in the United States and England went into a tizzy over this, and dispatched their number one BBC documentary crew to Dallas to interview me and make a despicable TV program with Prince Charles introducing it. The program was scathing and intended to stop anyone in Europe from working with me.
Scott and several of the Kelley patients were requested by BBC to come to Dallas for the filming at their own expense. The patients can verify how desperately ill I was at the time from the Establishment?s poisoning.
The next battles with the Establishment were a series of premeditated Murders by the Establishment. These murders were carried out in two stages involving several hundred cancer victims and several children with Cystic Fibrosis.
The Establishment, by removing needed active ingredients in the raw materials sold to the companies making vitamin tablets, assumed the Kelley Program was doomed to total failure. Although I altered our Metabolic Program to compensate for this, those who now claim they have the Kelley Program and supplements are deceiving themselves and the Cancer Victim, for this is the state of PANCREATIN and their fraudulent programs of Cancer Cures to date.
The Chymotrypsin removed from pancreatin is now sold to manufacturers of sewer and septic tank cleaners and not available to the medical community or health food store industry.
The Establishment, which controls the U.S. Governmental Agencies, has several purposes in mind when infecting various parts of the population with Biologicals, both natural and man made. One objective being the destruction of the Pancreas with the resulting astronomical increases in diabetes and cancer. Another goal is a form of genocide for select racial groups. Remember the Establishment has been doing for a long time what they accuse others of doing.
make sure other nations do not develop and use Biological Warfare Weapons. These very clever and deceptive Establishment Politicians play by a different set of rules than others are allowed to play by.
Heads I win, tails you lose
1. To obtain additional taxpayer funding and enslavement
2. To reduce the world population. (Population Act of 1981)
3. To further plunder Americans by their relief organizations: Red Cross, Feed the Starving, Save a Child Campaign, etc..
4. To give credibility to their dedicated diabolical scientific endeavors.
When these new genetic altered biological weapons are ready, they use various segments of our population for their ?Controlled Studies.? This has gone on in America since the early 1800s. The 1930s Tuskegee Syphilis Study on Blacks and the smallpox and typhus epidemics of the American Indians are examples of this highly developed skill of the Establishment. Also, the various epidemics of Tuberculosis (TB) used during the last 150 years.
When America took the Philippine Islands from Spain, General Arthur MacArthur, father of General of the Armies Douglas MacArthur of World War II fame, was ordered by the political establishment to inoculate the general population of the Philippines with live smallpox vaccine. This killed more people than the previous smallpox epidemics. Also, in 1950 the U.S. military experimented on Eskimos and Indians with radioactive drugs.
Now they have MAD COW, man made Biologicals, to use against the brain. They also have EBOLA for liver and other organs. This Biological was first tested on the American Indian Children, and later on natives in South America.
Recently, one of their most accomplished Biological Targeted areas is the Human Pancreas. This is how our government can predict in advance the incidence of Diabetes and Cancer. By destroying the one part of the pancreas they can increase the incidence of Diabetes By destroying another part of the Human Pancreas they have been able to produce a very rapid development of all types of Cancer that will take a person?s life within a short period of time. This is so devastating, there is very little treatment possible ? and none intended. Our government funded research for this specific type of genocide is genetically engineered biological warfare agents tagged to human fetal embryo tissue from abortions and forced upon the children and general public via mandatory vaccinations among other methods. This is based upon the ancient science of Homeopathy.
First, we fall victim, not only to cancer, but also to the very clever brainwashing of our number one ENEMY. The Medical Establishment and the unending barrage of the conspiracy with the MEDIA and support groups such as the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, the American Medical Association and an unlimited number of organizations that make their income from the crumbs that fall from the establishment?s table.
Second, our number two ENEMY is the simple metabolic malfunction of our Pancreas. This is a minor enemy compared to our enemies number one and three. In our Metabolic Paradigm we find approximately 20 causes for this failure.
All successes and failures of all cancer programs are accounted for by our Paradigm. It would not be a truly scientific Paradigm if it did not include ALL CANCERS, which it does.
Third, our number three enemy is ourselves. It is quite a shame that Yahweh, God Almighty, gave each one of us a decent brain (heart in Scriptural terms), but we do not know how to use it, as we have very little, if any practice. We depend upon others (with inferior hearts) to do our thinking for us. In short, we go a Whoring after false Gods and the false idols put in front of us by our enemy number one.
Those Cancer Victims whom God has blessed with enough time (6 months) and who have awakened from their stupor, in self-defense, figure things out for themselves. Their discernment that their Physician, their Medical Community, the Establishment, the MEDIA and their Government with its multitude of Bureaucracies have conspired in fraud, plunder and murder against them, ? the SHOCK, is nearly overwhelming and devastating to say the least.
Fourth, at this point, in self-preservation, the Cancer Victim rebels and in righteous indignation, often going berserk. But at least he realizes he cannot trust or depend upon the Orthodox Medical Community or the Government to protect and help him, but only deceive, plunder and murder him. Also he comes to the realization that if he survives he must ?do it himself? and find the answers in spite of the ESTABLISHMENT?S interference, promises and brainwashing.
Fifth, in this state of abandonment, the Cancer Victim in ignorance and desperation becomes vulnerable and prey to the other vultures ? the Alternative Medical Community. The alternative medical community is composed of the most skilled CON-MEN and CON-WOMEN in our civilization, falsely deceiving, like the Orthodox, that they have the answer and that they are persecuted scientists and promoters of truth. These despicable creatures would put ol? P. T. Barnum, Wm. Rockefeller and Barney Cornfield to shame; their techniques of deception are superb. Many of these creatures also deceive themselves and are pathological liars and psychopaths. The remainders are ignoramuses.
Somewhere along the line, the Cancer Victim turns to Almighty God and asks for deliverance, healing and help. When God sends help, like placing these CANCER LESSONS on the internet before them, they refuse to accept it, blaming God for their condition and finally turning from God to their own ignorance.
Sixth, my experience with Cancer Victims over the years has taught me a great deal about the mindset of these ?Do-It-Yourself? survivors.
A. Many choose to continue to follow all the recommendations and treatments of their orthodox physicians, while at the same time, do our Metabolic program. This is usually disastrous and only about 6% survive.
B. Some Cancer Victims, after their orthodox physician tells them the treatments are not effective and no further help can be expected, start our Metabolic Program. Experience has shown that 93% of these individuals who live long enough to stay on the Metabolic Program for 12-18 months recover completely and go on to live normal useful lives.
C. Often the Cancer Victim goes berserk and while accusing his orthodox and/or alternative doctor of being an ignoramus and not knowing what he is doing, ends up doing exactly the same thing. He tries to play doctor without adequate scientific understanding. This seems to be an ego builder for the Cancer Victim. However, this is not successful and in the end is usually fatal.
D. Nearly everyone thinks that if a little bit of something is good, then a lot of everything is better. This results in about 9% effectiveness as well as unnecessary expense. To many, this is a fun game and entertaining. They say to themselves: ?If I have to go, I might as well have a blast!?
E. For those who have a great deal of wisdom and discernment along with 6 months? time, while following a Metabolic Program carefully, are almost always successful.
Like in diabetes, the Cancer victim must always support his defective pancreas with proper diet as well as effective enzymes He must remember, proper enzymes are difficult to obtain and always expensive.
Seventh, many Cancer Victims having been brainwashed by the Establishment, give up, believing they can never recover their health, seriously consider SUICIDE. If they elect to do this, there are several choices they can make.
A. Go first class and be slow about it. Return to the Orthodox Community. Here you will have all the sympathy of the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, Hospice Inc., The American Medical Association and many others. They will brainwash you and your loved ones with ?Oh, how brave and heroic you are, what a valiant fight you made.? All the while plundering your estate and your loved ones.
B. Go to Detroit, Michigan and obtain the help of the suicide doctor if your doctor won?t give his help.
C. Go to the interstate highway and jump in front of a Semi. At least this will help your lawyer send his kids to college.
The programs we had developed were functional until 30 August 1986. At that time, I gave up my practice of Metabolic Counseling and unplugged my computer because of activities of employees and doctors I had trained. I would not or will not be party to the plunder, fraud and conspiracy of CANCER victims and Metabolic Counselees.
Any program available today in my name (or claiming to be the ?Kelley Program? or better than the Kelley Program) are frauds and those who are issuing them should be considered a danger to your being. In giving the Cancer Victim HOPE and not false hope, my involvement is conditional upon giving the reader the complete story, not only of the plight of the Cancer Victims and the Metabolic Paradigm, but the missing nutrients for the cancer victim. Also, the Medical Establishment?s all out effort to suppress the CANCER CURE and protect their interests. My interest is to provide a sound, reliable understanding and effective Metabolic procedure to supply the required Metabolic support.
My objective as a teacher is to provide you with, if you choose, the necessary data by which to live a long and useful life, never dying of Cancer. I would much rather have your friends and relatives read in the obituary column ? you died at age 95 from gunshot wounds, inflicted by a jealous lover ? NOT FROM CANCER!
Dentists themselves have been royally screwed and conned by The Establishment. Dentists have been used as willing pawns of the Establishment to plunder and murder our civilization by their support of the Establishment?s covert FLUORIDE fraud ?sting? operation.
Dentists know from their required studies in biochemistry that fluoride is the most deadly poison known to mankind.
ORAL CANCER, with all their legal licenses and education are not ignoramuses. However their integrity has been compromised and the Establishment tightly controls them. Dentists, like Physicians, are not permitted to properly treat Oral Cancer.
It has been ever increasingly apparent to the general population: our government can not be trusted. The Establishment has long since overthrown government. They are using various bureaus and agencies to control and plunder American citizens.
The Establishment?s shrewd and careful creation of ?Cancer Fear,? while withholding Cancer Cure, is a major technique for plunder and control.
? Since our country has now been completely and totally taken over by the enemy; and
? Since the Government has sponsored and funded major programs that induce terminal irreversible cancer in one out of two individuals in our civilization; and
? Since there is no longer a cure for cancer, only rational and proper Cancer. Treatment Procedures; and
? Since it is not yet illegal (and even if it becomes so) to treat oneself in a life or death survival procedure;
? It behooves one to obtain survival knowledge, understanding and wisdom for oneself and one?s family.
The cancer victim must treat himself, by taking;
A safe, effective uncontaminated form of PANCREATIN in adequate dosages; and
Take an appropriate anti-biotic to counteract the infectious biological contaminants being given to our population in a multitude of ways; and
Change one?s diet.
The cancer victim wants someone else to do it for him. However that is impossible, for only the victim himself can properly treat his own cancer.
Obtaining a supply of pancreatin, antibiotics and whole organic grains and beans should be considered by those who are wise enough to realize wealth is not determined in Silver, Gold or Diamonds. Health is also an important asset.
Respectfully, Dr. Kelley
William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.
William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.Medical Missionary, to the most pagan peoples on earth - Americans.
© 2004 www.drwdkelley.com all rights reserved