A few months back, I had been having severe pain in both my upper and lower right quadrant of my abdomen. The pain was both continuously soar as well as spasmodic at times and would worsen after eating (regarless of what I ate). Originally, doctors told me that I likely had gall stones or coleocystitis, but tests showed that there was "nothing wrong" with the gall bladder. Instead they prescribed an acid blocker (which eventually seemed to help) but I was never given a formal diagnosis. For several months, I was not eating or drinking much because of the pain and lost too much weight. At about the same time, I began to get very violent cramping in the first 2 days of my mensus. One occasion occured as I was already weak from the GI troubles when the cramping from the mensus began and I ended up buckling in pain feeling as if i was being stabbed over and over again for nearly an hour. The pain was so severe that it left me crawling and begging for help in a dirty public bathroom. I began sweating profusely so much so that my clothing was soaked through and I began to hyperventilate uncontrolably. The pain continued unabated until my hands and jaw became stiff and I began convulsing violently for about 2 minutes. A stanger called for an ambulance while I lay unconcious and I was rushed to a nearby hospital. The paramedics recorded my body temperature as 95 degrees F- very low. At the hospital, I was given 4 bags of fluids for dehydration and told that from the stranger's reports, I likely had a seizure . A few tests were ordered in the following days, but I have still no real answers.
A number of months later, my GI troubles have seemed to cleared themselves up for the most part, though not entirely. I still get such violent cramping in the first 2 days of mensus and have repeated this convulsive episode an additional time.
I do not know if there are three seperate issues occuring (GI, uterine cramping, convulsion) or if as I highly believe, they are all interrelated. Some alternatives have been to go on medications for siezure, but this is not consistant with my lifestyle and as the convulsive episodes only ever occur in conjunction with severe pain during the first two days of mensus, I would rather get to the root of the problem if possible. This violent cramping has only just started about 6 months ago, before which mensus would progress without event. One professional suggested that I might be suffering from endometriosis and the associated pain and hormonal changes during mensus could be causing seizures or pain induced shock. I relayed this information to a doctor I was seeing and recieved no feedback about it.
Any advice would be highly appreciated!!!!!!!!!