Our cat had balance problem and that happens sometimes in cats, according to our vet. I can't remember what the reason was. He did get somewhat better by himself and lived several years till he was 16. I had the feeling that he died of a stroke, all the sudden he was limp and still breathing.
We just spent $ 1200 on our dog for testing. They found out he has pancreatitis. There is really nothing they can do except more US and X-rays, just to see if it is getting better. We are going to do a follow up bloodtest, but nothing like liver biopsies etc. The poor animal is so scared from all this that I don't want him to go through this. They were upset because I did not want him to stay in the hospital to get his fluids. Of course they taught my husband to do it, so he got fluids every day of the week and he could be comfortable with us on the couch. Nothing dramatic.
I got some advise here about what to read and then someone else whose advise I always respect told me to buy the book Dr.Pitcairn's complete guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats. I bought it right away.
So now I am just feeding him right and hope it will work.
The interesting thing was that the vet herself has pancreatitis and she has been in the hospital several times, so I suggested to her she should look into alternative medicine :).