“Fatty Liver” is a general term used to describe a wide range liver conditions:
Fat accumulates in the liver for no particular reason but may be associated with extreme weight gain, poor diet, drugs or drinking alcohol (the ravages of living). This is known as “simple fatty liver” and it doesn’t damage the liver. A fatty liver is diagnosed if 10% or more of fat is present in the liver. (Caution: figures are only a guide and every one is different). A simple fatty liver doesn’t cause any damage then there are no complications.
If you drink excessive amounts of alcohol then it is probably that the fatty liver is caused by alcohol. The liver is very resilient so it takes a lot of regular boozing to get damaged. The hundreds of ducts accumulate debris and scarring caused by the alcohol which is toxic to the liver. It will be like a sponge full of sand. It is the general consensus of the group that flushing is very beneficial a will help restore liver function.
There is also a condition called nonalchoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) where the liver has an accumulation of fat AND inflammation. It is different to simple fatty liver because it may cause some damage to the liver. The normal treatment is to recommend a good diet and exercise but this group believe that this condition may be associated with high cholesterol and blood pressure. Consequently flushing can be beneficial.
There are also times in our life that we may have a fatty liver and an accumulation of biliary sludge. These conditions can magically disappear never to return or may return on a cyclic basis. This may or may not result in a more sever condition.