Thats a loooong word for me now.
Sometimes the mother bird kicks her young out of the nest due to pressure.
Every ten minutes each baby bird needs to be fed. the mother bird searches day in and day out through the humid and scorching summer day to keep her babies alive.
My sons brought in two baby birds. to our suprise, we found three more laying on the thick grass right below the bird nest above the fence.
Sometimes we get overwhelmed but it just takes a few lessons from those around us to see what blessings we have and may not be aware of. ( news, storms, wars etc )
So I gently picked up each bare baby bird ( no feathers, eyes shut, see through skin ) and put them back into the nest. The mother started to feed them and they survived.
Watch out for the responsibility you have. Some we may take on, but its not ours, and then we will be too tired to finish what is ours.