A long time veteran, (15-20years) in the feild of odor emination; if there was some sick way to benifit from it economically,(it goes without saying, a work from home enterprise) i'd be the next Gates. If I was interested, i could fill an encyclopedia with social interactions, all ititiated by them, mostly reduntant and unimaginative, rarely containing empathy which i've watched dwindle to near exstinction. i'm convinced that nature without exception ,will always take the path most fitting for it's survival. Just as we are instinctively automated with self presearvation, nature in all it's complexeties is incapable of participating in it's own demise. The Question thats been consistant since the first time i experienced someone taking unusual interest in my personal hygene, at first it took me awhile to catch on considering it never occured to me that you could stink if you showered brushed your teeth put on deoderant and wiped your butt when you pooped. when they offered me the ol magical peanut butter cup my first thought was, is she trying to tell me that if she didnt eat a reeses daily her breath would smell too; like theres a daily requirement for peanut butter cups? she isn't any cleaner than me, judging by her medicinal offering, didn't have healthier eating habits than me why would two people with the same lifestyle, udoubtedly similar unaddressed digestive issues, canidia parasites, fecal matter build up in colon, not stink too. how dare she think because for no logical explanation since she doesn't stink that she can pat herself on the back like she works hard at it. of course since thats all she does is brush her teeth shower and wipe her butt, assumes that you must not be doing even that. i guess what i'm trying to say is if tmu sufferers can pinpoint chemically, biologically the one thing that makes them distinctly different and clearly gives them a scientific reason for thier odor why do the more common stinkers go insane in pursuit of remedies for health issues that nearly everyone is afflicted with and a very large majority of them don't suffer from odor because of it. i know people who never brush thier teeth ,grown adults, i ment never; and have odor free breath even in the morning in fact the same individual eats no fruit or vegetables drinks soda like no tommorow and smokes a pack a day taboot. please explain how such blatent smell rule breaking can go odor free when others stink to high heaven on thier veg diets cleanses probiotics so on and on and on. I think its obvious, the answer can't be found in trying to dust and clean the garbage out when 95% of the population has the same garbage and thiers don't stink. i feel we are simply lacking a similar substance that tmu sufferers do. maybe its more common possably triggered by our over saturated toxicidaty, but can't help but logically conclude that there must be a chemical difference that explains the odor. just cuz it smells like poop doesn't mean it is, i feel like i bring myself down to thier symplistic level when i give in to desperation and find myself putting hope in peanut butter cups.