Hi all..
Okay, here's my scoop (sorry if I'm long winded:) I have a 10 yr old cat Jezebelle who grew up since she was a baby w/ her sister Lakoda who died about a year and a half ago. Jez seemed pretty good after the death of my other girl, the only noticable change was being more affectionate (always been a love, just more so after Kody died), but otherwise remained healthy and active.
About two months ago, my husband and I rescued a pup. She's a great gal, a beautiful Blue Merle Aussie named Sophie. Sophie took an immediate liking to Jez - because she loves ALL other creatures. Jez on the other hand HATES the poor dog with a passion. I still give lots of love to Jezebelle, but because she despises the dog soooo much, it has become more difficult to snuggle w/ her because as soon as Sophie sees the cat come to me, she wants to join in. The cat won't have it. I've noticed that she is losing some weight and not eating nearly as much. She still has an appetite, but the weight loss is obvious. She isn't lathargic and I don't notice any other health issues. Do you think it is something to worry about? Or is it just the stress from the dog? If so, what advice can you offer as suggestions?
I thought she would get used to the dog and they would eventually come to be friends...but it's been two months, and that is not happening. Any suggestions would be sooo helpful, as I've always had the cat(s), but Sophie is my first dog.
Thanks in advance for any advice, suggestions or comments.