Hi, Everyone
Well its been over a week...our fourth child, following suit of the 'different' pregnancy, decided to come several weeks earlier than expected.
I delivered on Sunday, the 24th at 12:12 am. And IT'S A BOY...we didn't know until the delivery and it was a neat experience! It still is! My husband is naturally thrilled, as I would be if we had 3 boys.
The labor was fast...I didn't realize it was labor (have had some crampiness from time to time) until it was in the latter stages of the 'hard' labor. Within two hours of officially declaring it labor, he was born.
I delivered at home, another first, which was a great experience. I was surrounded by my immediate family, midwives and sis-in-law who was a tremendous support, literally. Quite a different experience than the hospital births which I hope to write about.
The baby is healthy and great, adorable and growing well. I have recovered well also despite some low-grade sinus/upper respiratory congestion that's lingered since right after the birth. I finally feel it is resolving.
For anyone that follows, interestingly, the baby has a lot of 9 and 12 energy...his mayan dreamspell is red moon, born in the year of red moon, with tone 9 at that! Red moon is also 9 energy and one of the four planetary theme energies. I haven't checked his western astrology but I'm sure it correlates. And he has red dragon energy, which is one of my main energies. Interesting, interesting... ;)
I just wanted to give the news as some time has passed and my comp time is definitely more limited!
Take care!