someone probably KNOWS for sure the cure for male pattern baldness but they are not talking or publishing widely.
anyone who had an ez reversable cure would be a multi multi millionaire.
h. clark says she can stop male pattern baldness but I do not think she can reverse it.
dr. christophers 3 day oil treatment made my hair grow really fast and thicker.
so maybe he, dr.christopher combined with h.clarks findings has an answer
will be interesting to see if mh knows how to reverse or cure male pattern baldness
eyebrows grow white and irregular etc possibly because of what quadruple phd aubrey de grey longevity expert at oxford found: "all disease and disease deaths are caused by intracellular junk". intracellular junk would include microbes aka parasites. and we all know parasites can cause imbalances to manifest in a bio organism. aubrey de grey sees ageing as a degenerative disease process. he looks 30 for his age, he is about 58 or 60 and has a long long beard and a ton of hair on his head. I wonder what top longevity researcher/publisher aubrey de grey eats?
genetics, look up definition of genetic on internet, by definition means 'coded information transmitted from parent to offspring', genetics can be changed with new information. Genetic could be an untreated 'microbe infection' aka 'worm' or diet habit or lifestyle habit or environment habit transmitted from parents to offspring. Genetics is a meaningless medical 'buzz' word, it just means we eat and do what our parents taught us, for good genes or bad 'genes' aka 'encoded transmitted information'. genetics is generational habits and can be changed with new information, ie., new habits etc. adaptation proves that.
if you find a provable, verifiable, duplicatable and ez to apply cure for male pattern baldness you'll probably be a zillionaire if you sell the cure. well worth researching.
good luck