from someone just starting a cesium protocol, may this help your search :
Cesium therapy is one of about a dozen known effective treatments for cancer,
disregarding deadly ones such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Cesium is an element, Ce-132 (the radioactive isotope is Ce-137). It is classed on the periodic table as an alkali metal, and has been called the most alkaline substance safe for the human body. You need to research two aspects to start:
1. Learn why it works, from clinical tests.
2. Learn why it works, from a chemical point of view.
You'll find the links to these answers in this forum and elsewhere.
You *must* learn why it works before you commit to it.
It attacks cancer directly, avoiding healthy cells, using a chemical method.
In this sense, it is the *non-degenerative* version of chemotherapy.
Cesium therapy thus is almost unique in that it is not holistic (as most others are).
Instead of stimulating the body to attack the cancer – which by the way is the only way to prevent remission – it attacks cancer cells directly, passing through the cell membrane and raising the pH (alkalinity level) of the cell to about 8.0 – which kills the cancer cell. Find out why it kills cancer cells, but not healthy cells.
To use this therapy, you need to research these things:
1. How cesium affects your body chemistry, especially in how it depletes potassium and magnesium.
2. How long you need to take it, how often, and in what dosage.
3. How you need to control your diet while taking it.
When we acquired our cesium, it was from the most reputable dealer around, Larry of We researched why his cesium is the best. You must do you own research also. You must find your own level of confidence in any protocol.
When we spoke with Larry before ordering an advanced cesium protocol package, he began to lecture and warn us, mostly about the need for dietary control (“or it won’t work!”), but also on several other pertinent subjects. He can be relied upon. Personally, I would not have wanted to get cesium from anyone except him - because he has done *all* the research necessary, and because he has obviously devoted himself to assisting others in a responsible manner. His site is a gold-mine of information critical for understanding this form of therapy and the support therapies in his suggested protocol. For instance, he does not even sell his product without the potassium support, for very good reason. Find out why - you'll need to know.
I read that someone had trouble getting hold of Larry. While I did not have any trouble with that, I can tell you that he supplies written instructions detailing everything you'll need to know to use the protocol. Also, you can find out from his site why his protocol is laid out the way it is.
You have to research and learn these things, for at least two reasons. First, you cannot possibly feel safe (however you wish to evaluate safety), without knowing all you can about what you’re doing. Also, you need to be sure you’re not overlooking anything. Had we in our family settled for first-round knowledge, for instance, we never would have found out about cesium (which info came through a forum-member here, rog, a very active and knowledgeable forum member). We were going to pursue high-level ozone therapy - which is perfectly fine in itself, but for our situation should come later, after cesium therapy. So, you have to keep searching, asking questions, and finding out all you can. But there is a second reason for learning about cesium, or any other method of controlling an illness such as cancer (which is our situation). Your body needs to understand what is happening to it, and only your mind can tell it. Among the various protocols used to defeat cancer, cesium is the most intensive. One thing Larry warned us about right away was the temptation to quit the therapy. The most significant effect of cesium is not from the mineral (it is delivered as cesium chloride), but from the rapid death of the cancer cells, which causes a very well-known reaction which goes by at least two names, and consists largely of feeling very sick for a few days.
You have to understand that reaction, especially with cesium therapy.
Then, you have to have a plan – called a protocol – and in critical situations (as cancer usually is) you’ll need a short-term and a long-term protocol. But what else do you need to know? How will you know when you know everything you need to know? You’ll see I have several past postings here at the Oxygen Therapies forum, soliciting help in finding experts and expertise. If you decide on cesium therapy, your investment will be in more than the cost of some ionic solution. We find that Larry’s information support meets our needs. But we’re not done learning, merely because we’ve signed on with his protocol. We’re just starting to learn. It’s just that we can’t afford to wait.
For us, our confidence level is properly balanced now. This forum is an enormous asset to someone looking for information and for proper confidence.
It is a journey, of course. This forum is an oasis.