I have thought for awhile now about WHY mds do not educate the public to be dewormed 4 times a year, seasonally. Animals are dewormed seasonally, why not humans?
This is what I figured:
1. to test for parasites is hard, you need stool samples, microscopes, dye stain, knowledge of what parasites you see and how to identify them. Most mds are not trained to or willing to take the time to do this. In labs a sterilized environment is needed to protect the md handling and examining for parasites. And if you get a stool sample at the wrong time, a false negative will come up, sometimes mds have to test 4 or 5 samples to get a correct diagnosis. Most mds will NOT do that much work per uneducated, unreceptive patient. And most patients will not even ask an md to run such tests or will be offended if they are told they need to be dewormed.
2. There are medical blood tests that screen blood for certain antibodies in the blood that are present when certain parasites are present. This blood testing for antibodies is even more extensive and expensive then testing stool samples and many patients and mds do not want to pay for these tests and if the staining is done wrong, another false negative could appear.
3. There IS a conspiracy. Some people do not want the public to know about parasites because then the parasite caused disease industry, bad docs, will stop being able to bilk and churn and no cure and the disease economy will lose profits. The fast food sectors and retaurants will lose money too, as will the pet industry and the bacon and pork industries,the porn industries, and bad farming industries etc will all lose profits if people were all made aware of parasite transmission. Simply put, it would be bad for the predators and exploiters economy if humans were dewormed seasonally and educated on parasite transmission.
4. Hygiene, seasonal deworming, good sanitation is too much work for the masses who would rather watch ballgames and eat as they please. And there is little profit in educating people to deworm themselves seasonally.
5. It's the old mushroom theory game in operation when it comes to mds, mass public education and mass media not educating humans to deworm regularily. The mushroom theory is: Keep the people in the dark and feed them bull manure. It seems feeding them parasite egg infected bull manure is the trend of the last 50 to 75 years.
6. If your md or care provider does not know how to stool test for parasites, fire them as an incompetent and learn to do testing on your own or find a good competent person to help you.
7. 2/3rds of the worlds population dies from malaria. Malaria is filarial worms in the brain, body, organs and spine. For an md not to openly discuss and test for parasites means he or she is either incompetent, miseducated, badly educated, a subversive mole, a predator or a malpractitioner.
8. It's amazing, vets deworm all animals seasonally and human vets, mds, never bother to discuss, educate, test or treat humans for parasites.
9. Crooks surely are running the baffle em with bull manure, dazzle em with brillant lies, brand of miseducation.
10. Demand equals supply. The masses and the public will only get the level of care they insist upon. And if people are too uneducated to demand thier care providers stool test and deworm, there will be no supply and no effective cures.
11. Lastly, people are vain, they care more about outer appearances then truth, and they do not want to know they are full of worms, so they live in denial until the worms eat them alive from inside and they get sick and perish. Even then they lie to themselves and are lied to by mds, they call hydatid tapeworm infections, cancer and other misnomers and keep covering up that they are full of worms by using obtuse meaningless non descriptive labels.
The powers that be do not need to dumb down or kill the masses, the masses do it to themselves. The masses perish due to lack of knowledge and lack of willingness to learn, study, deal with truth and self educate.
Thank you Mh and CZ for helping to educating all of us.