I would try and avoid drinking as much as possible, the best thing to do would be to quit drinking. Yeast feeds on alcohol and sugars and is normally found in the gut but can become a problem when it has been over fed. Yeast also causes constipation when there is too much of it. Have you tried taking probiotics? Probiotics may help with the constipation and yeast. If you're really serious about this and your health you need to do a
Colon Cleanse to get all the stuff out that is stuck inside.
If you want to be cured 100% you will need to do other types of cleanses as well to get all the toxic metals and such out of your liver and other organs. You will also need to be eating lots of raw vegetables and fruit to help with the colon issues. You really need to tackle one issue at a time though and the constipation should be first on the list as it is very detrimental to your health. Over the counter laxatives are not good for you and should be used sparingly. If you do everything I mentioned, I don't see any reason why you would continue to stink unless your PH is acidic, in which case there is a forum for that here at curezone. It's not going to be easy though, there is no quick-fix, only quick cover-ups. I hope this helps.
Good luck!