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I was getting some flakey type of skin on my mustache area, and chin. I had this for the past 6 months~. It was getting to the point where I was going on job interviews and I was thinking "geez; It looks like I got some skin disease on my face"; so I was thinking I didnt look that healthy and I'm in the health field ... this doesnt look good.
So to make a long story short; I strongly thought that the skin stuff on my face was from a yeast overgrowth. I was a bit concerned thou since I wasnt sure if I could #1 stick to a diet and #2 if it would clear up (ie wasnt totally sure if it was yeast or if it would be real stubborn etc) ...
But then I found Moreless's forum and posts about candida and decided to do a kind of mix between the typical anti-candida diet and take some of Moreless's ideas and combine them.
So 2 days into my diet drastically changing; I noticed that my face didnt have hardly any flakes and stuff on it.
It's been 4 days~ since I started the new way of eating (I still notice a little skin peeling etc but not like before).
-also to note is that I had applied some ACV a couple times directly to the area-
-And I also applied some diluted GSE grapefruit seed extract to the area also (supposedly a strong anti fungal agent - for those in the candida circle I'm sure you have heard of it).
But only after I had commited myself to the 'diet' or should I say eating healthy did I notice a large change with my facial skin condition.
And again that was about 2 days; and I've had it for 6 months (and it was getting worse to the point where I thought it was going to effect my job interview).
I still have a ways to go with my candida issue (I have a white coated tongue); that's the next thing I want to see go (I like visuals).