Quotes from those who stood up and faced the establishment.
"We were using niacin and niacinamide before the new psychiatric drugs entered the North American market. Our results were better and safer but we had no one to support us. While drug results were more often more dramatic, they were also much more dangerous. Eventually, it turned out that drugs, while helping in the short run and used in small doses, in the long run stopped the process of recovery long before the patients became well, and froze them into a chronic semi-invalid state from which they can not recover as long as they remain on the medication.
"Today, 47 years later, orthomolecular vitamin treatment is still relatively unknown. The use of drugs is world wide and sanctioned by powerful drug interests, the professional associations and governments. It seems not to matter that huge numbers of patients are being denied their chance for full recovery...... niacin has not been fenced in and the treatment has indeed been trampled on for the past 40 years by the galloping hordes of professional establishments, the American Psychiatric Association, governments, the FDA , the National Institutes of Mental Health, and by nearly every health-professional organization. It is a wonder that there are any orthomolecular doctors at all. ---Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.
This writer knows of two local doctors who tried to buck the establishment and really help their patients. Both lost their license to practice medicine. One is currently working as an administrator in a California hospital and the other has started a nutritional clinic. GANGSTERS IN MEDICINE By Thomas Smith
"Dr Tukuitonga is furious at what he calls anecdotal evidence that midwives are handing out anti-immunisation literature. He said he was seeking a legal opinion, as he believed midwives who did not promote immunisation were in breach of their contracts as lead maternity caregivers. Dr Tukuitonga said general practitioners and hospital paediatricians had told him that some midwives were opposed to immunisation and had disseminated leaflets warning of the risks. "If a child is damaged by a disease that could be prevented by vaccination, the provider could be liable for damages."---Media June 2002
"It is a brave or a foolish medical person who dares to question the wisdom of this wonderful scientific advance (vaccination), for to do so is to challenge one of the sacred cows of modern medicine. .....Any doctor who dares to suggest that there might possibly be a dark side to this wonderful miracle is pilloried by the medical establishment and subjected to threats and ridicule........the attitudes of public health specialists and paediatricians to immunisation indicates that there will be little progress from them in this area. For most of these doctors, belief in the beneficence of immunisation is absolute and to question this has become the professional equivalent of mortal sin. Thus any opposition is dismissed as myth as Begg and Nicoll have shown in demolishing Kyles’s theory without attempting to refute it scientifically. In the same way adverse reactions are denied and opponents are classified as cranks. The worry about this is the science implies refuting the status quo and that, if there were to be any future problem with immunisation, it would never be detected, at least by these groups."-----Hilary Butler quoting Professor Campbell Murdoch
"A DOCTOR who has been helping parents who have concerns about MMR vaccination by prescribing alternative injections for their children has been ordered to appear before the General Medical Council and could be barred from medical practice."--Media
"If a pediatrician fails to administer an officially recommended vaccine, and the child gets a preventable disease, the pediatrician could be sued for malpractice. If the child is injured as a side effect from such a vaccine, no pediatrician will be sued. HMOs cannot be sued. "--Roger Shlafly
"The FDA won’t spend a dime on ozone research, but they spent over $1 million intimidating, harassing, and persecuting me alone." Dr Jonathen Wright
"They claim the vaccines are safe, but physicians are indoctrinated to disbelieve claims of harm and are not trained to recognize nor required to report any adverse reactions. From 90% to 99% of the adverse reactions reported to doctors are never reported by those doctors to the government’s extremely lax Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, known as the VAERS."---Dr Rimland Ph.D.
"If I had known the consequences would be so abrupt and severe, I wouldn't have done it." Erdem Cantekin
"As a result of Dr. Cantekin’s efforts "his data tapes were erased, he was taken off all the department’s grants, fired as director of the ear research clinic, and forbidden by the chairman to publish the paper. . . . Because he has tenure the School of Medicine cannot fire Cantekin, but he has been stripped of the resources needed to conduct research."--Lendon Smith
"Throughout his career Dr Christopher spent his life in and out of court and in and out of jail. He was handcuffed and taken away after one of his lectures for giving herbs to ease the suffering of a woman with terminal cancer. Usually the jury acquitted him agianst the instructions. Finally in 1969 he was not so lucky and was given a susoended sentence, because prescribing (suggesting herbs) without a licence was a felony."—Dr Shulze, N.D.
"Who can dispute the opinion that Dr. Charles Creighton was the greatest of these doctors? His History of Epidemics in Britain, in two volumes, 1891 and 1894, was justly called "the greatest medical work ever written by one man". Having previously written for the Encycloptedia Britannica, he was asked to contribute the article on vaccination for the Ninth Edition. Its appearance, in 1888, was such a profound shock to the advocates of, and vested interests concerned in, vaccination that Creighton's article was replaced as soon as possible by what was little more than an advertisement for glycerinated calf lymph written by one of its promoters. Creighton, perhaps the greatest medical mind of the last century, was virtually turned out of his profession."--Lionel Dole
"Did ever you hear, in all the experience of the whole medical profession since the days of Hippocrates, such a marvellous combination of exceptions and rarities gathered together in one little body, all so carefully arranged by Providence for the special purpose of convicting a heterodox medical practitioner of manslaughter?"---Dr Hadwen 1925
"I was investigated by the New York State Health Department in 1988 to determine if there was any negligence in my treatment of patients. The office was never shut down but 30 patient charts were confiscated and examined for evidence of negligence. None was found and no charges were ever brought. The whole case was quietly dropped without any official statement of dismissal or exoneration. It was a "fishing expedition" that came up with nothing. A friendly source within the Health Department confided to me that my position on vaccinations was the real impetus for the investigation."--Philip Incao MD
"McCully is but the most recent of a long list of pioneers who suffered outrageous injustices at the hands of dogmatic authorities who are so sure that they are right that they never trouble themselves to consider the evidence. How many millions of lives would have been saved if the authorities had been less smug?"--Dr Rimland
"Insurance companies are cost plus providers which, have no incentive to reduce costs. They act as "gatekeeper" and for their role in the monopoly will not pay for any treatment which comes from outside the cartel. This nation is coming to understand this horror is a result of complacency as well as collusion between government agency, pharmaceutical interests and institutional medicine and its powerful financial influence over nearly every facet of the worldwide bureaucracy and mass media. "---Pixley
"While writing the story of Gerson, I couldn’t help feeling it was too shocking to believe. The friends with whom I discussed it became almost angry in their denial that anything of the sort could happen in this day and age. It developed that we were all naïve…there had been dozens of lone scientists…who had been stamped out of existence and driven to spending their last days in solitude and bitterness."—S.J. Haught (Dr. Max Gerson, Censured for Curing Cancer).
"On two occasions Gerson became violently ill...Lab tests showed...arsenic in his urine. Some of Gerson's best case histories mysteriously disappeared from his files...Gerson was invited on a talk show by host Long John Nebel...Nebel was fired the very next day and the radio network was threatened by the AMA."--Norman Fritz.
"One death from poisoning, and one from being run down by an automobile, both victims being physicinas of distinction and prominent in the advocacy of the Koch treatment. Mail has been opened...Dr. Koch himself was the target of at least 13 unsuccessful attempts on his life."--M. Layne
"Gaston Naessens's trip to hell was a direct consequence of his having dared to wander into scientific incognita...In 1985 he was indicted on several counts, the most serious of which carried a potential sentence of life imprisonment."--Christopher Bird.
"In Utah the naturopathic physicians took Dr Christopher to court. They told him privately that he was curing people too fast and that he cost them business. He spent his life in and out of court and in and out of jail. He was handcuffed and taken away after one of his lectures for giving herbs to ease the suffering of a woman with terminal cancer. Usually the jury acquitted him against the judge’s instructions. Finally in 1969, he was not so lucky and was convicted and given a suspended sentence, because prescribing (suggesting herbs) without a license was a felony. He was stripped of his citizenship and forbidden to vote. Dr Shulze wanted to cure the "incurables" but had to live as an "underground" man as he could be arrested. He ran a secret clinic for 20 years, but then made the mistake of giving a public talk. Within weeks he was in jail, but escaped on a technicality."--Sam Biser
"After presenting a rather effective lecture on cancer…the windshield was shot out of my car on the road back to San Francisco. The next nught the glass window in the tail gate was shot out (300 miles removed from the first shooting). The police said, 'maybe someone is tryiong to tell you something'. The late Arthur Harris, M.D. was threatened by two men with assassination if he continued to use laetrile. Since that time we have de-centralised the work so that, if any two of us are shot out of the saddle, it will have only a slight negative effect on the program."---Dr. Krebs
"Dr Johnson died in 1944. The suspicion exists that he was silenced...However two federal inspectors did examine his hospital record in the late 1950's. They concluded it was likely that he was poisoned."--Barry Lynes
"There had been a head of the FDA (who later turned out to be a fraud) his name was Fishbein and he was rampantly opposed to any alternative therapy. He went after Hoxsey, the Hoxsey therapy back in the 1940's and 50's, and destroyed Hoxsey. But not before Hoxsey sued the AMA and Fishbein and [proved] that the therapy actually worked. But it didn't help him because they closed him down anyhow"----Gary Null
"Over the next three years, Krebiozin was destroyed. But to destroy Krebiozin you first had to destroy Andrew Ivy. How do you destroy the most influential, respected scientist in the United States? You get friends in the media. You get rid of his academic affiliations. You start a whisper campaign. And next thing you know, nobody wants to know the man. It took about five years, then they brought him up on a trial of fraud. It was at that point the longest medical trial in the United States' history. At the end of it, the jury found Ivy and the Durovic brothers innocent. Not only that, but they found the FDA irresponsible. And the jury actually made a statement, which is rare, about the contempt that the FDA had for honesty in what it did at trial."---Gary Null
"Throughout his career Dr Christopher spent his life in and out of court and in and out of jail. He was handcuffed and taken away after one of his lectures for giving herbs to ease the suffering of a woman with terminal cancer. Usually the jury acquitted him agianst the instructions. Finally in 1969 he was not so lucky and was given a susoended sentence, because prescribing (suggesting herbs) without a licence was a felony."—Dr Shulze, N.D.
"Everyone on this planet needs to be made aware that for several years now I have met and keep meeting people who no longer have AIDS, cancer, and almost any other disease you can think of, due to the continual and correct application of oxygen therapies."---Ed McCabe (1992). Ed McCabe is currently in jail, 1998.
"So what do they do? They start writing articles in the New York Daily News. Boy, that's a paper that loves to write crap on people, isn't it? Wanna talk about a paper that supports fascism! Man, I've seen more doctors hatcheted in there. The butchery they did on Emmanuel Revici, the butchery they did on Lawrence Burton, calling him nothing more --- what was the quote the guy said?. . . "Burton is nothing more than a horse doctor." Denigrating him, tearing down his character."—Gary Null
"But today in the United States, and this shows you where fascism REALLY exists, ANY doctor in the United States who cures cancer using alternative methods will be destroyed. You cannot name me a doctor doing well with cancer using alternative therapies that is not under attack. And I KNOW these people; I've interviewed them."---Gary Null (1994)
"Medicine in our country has been on a crusade over the last 100 years to wipe out every other form of medicine. One of the things they did that was unique was they lobbied to make words legal only for them to use. Today in the US, only a medical doctor can diagnose a disease, prescribe something, and cure you. Nobody else can say "diagnose", "prescribe" and "cure". That means that nobody can cure you but a medical doctor….I can’t say "Chaparral is the cure for a tumour". I can’t say garlic is the cure for cholestrol or high blood pressure. They have made the laws. So that makes me look stupid, impotent, and it makes the herbs look weak and wimpy.
I can’t as a herbalist, say that an herb will cure, even though a lot of prescription drugs are made from herbs.
This was a tactic by organised medicine to wipe out the opposition, by making them look silly and impotent…they have the words…they control the high ground. They can walk out and say, "Yes, if you take this drug, you will cure yourself." But they hired lawyers and got the government behind them. If I say that I go to jail. It isn’t because the herbs don’t work and the drugs are better, it’s just because they have more money, they lobbied more and got the law passed in their favour. That is why people get this idea that herbs don’t cure you."—Dr Shulze.