Thank you!!!! One of these days I'll figure out how to do the avatars adn pics and stuff. I am TOTALLY Technically Incompetent, tho, so it really takes focus, concentration, 2 and 3-letter words in the instructions, and USUALLY dh standing by to guide.
Anyway, THANK YOU for the good wishes!
This morning I had oatmeal with peaches, AND a piece of toast with FRESH red raspberry jam (made Sat!). And water. For lunch maybe a baked pot w/ salsa and some more fruit. Then by 2 I'll be working on the grapefruit juice/spsalt concoction, and ready to go! I'm excited. :-)
OK, kids and I are staring school--a bit on the late side this morning--so gotta go, but will check back later! I need all the support and encouragement I can get, and you all are WONDERFUL at that!