quinine is the cure for malaria. malaria kills 2/3rds of the earth's population.
a jesuit priest discovered the chinchoa tree bark (indiginous to the rain forest) cured malaria and the jesuits used this chinchoa tree bark, ground into a white powder, called quinine powder, to protect and cure themselves from malaria and they hid this cure from the world until the 1800's when british doctors discovered and began using and distributing quinine powder as the cure for malaria. (very funky and creepy of the jesuits to hide the cure for malaria from the world) Thank goodness for the british mds who made the cure available to the masses.
quinine to cure malaria is used in 250 mg doses and an rx is needed for the white powder or pill form.
tonic water, made by schewpps, canada dry, old towne, etc, is sold otc as a beverage tonic that adds quinine to the bottled beverage, about 20 mgs quinine are in a small glass of tonic water with quinine.
quinine is an alkaloid that kills the malaria threadworms which infect the brain, eyes, spine and body of infected persons causing sweats, delerium, blindness and death.
We were taught as children to drink tonic water with quinine as a beverage, a bitter tonic, due to the preventative dose of quinine. If you like the taste of bitter, you will like the taste of quinine as a mild dose quinine tonic water and refreshing drink. I drink tonic water with quinine whenever I want the taste of bitters. If I had malaria I would drink a bottle daily of otc quinine tonic water or get an rx for quinine powder in 250 mg doses.
I think people who see very thin threadworms in thier eyelids when they shut thier eyes may be suffering early or mild malaria infection. If so, they would be wise to take lots of dewormer, get an rx for quinine 250mg, and, or make drinking quinine tonic water a daily habit until the worms were eradicated and thier symptoms went away.
I am amazed at negligent mds today who do not properly discuss, diagnose or treat parasite cases. I think subversive crooks, moles and bad mds snuck in CDC and WHO last 40-50 years and since 2000 or so the mole crooks were outed and good doctors are back in charge of CDC and WHO etc. So maybe now more good mds will discuss, properly diganose and prescibe for parasite cases. I think many negligent mds were miseducated and do not know how to test for parasites and they are too lazy to re educate themselves or they have selfish ulterior motives and bad bedside manners.
Dogs, cats and horses etc are dewormed seasonally, it is odd that bad mds do not teach humans to deworm. Better to see a smart vet then a bad md who does not properly identify and correctly diagnose parasites and discuss parasites openly with the people who hire the md. Infectious disease specialist mds and parasitologists know the most about parasites and some good ones discuss the parasites, transmission routes etc, openly with patients and for public education. Good mds at CDC, WHO and infectious disease mds at websites already do this. JAMA has some good md written parasite reports online also.
I heard bad mds say that the masses are too animalistic, amoral, evil, vain, angry, fearful, greedy, lustful, stupid, dumb, unclean as animals, who do not think, and who are too ignorant to learn, read or self educate and they refuse to even bother educating them about parasites, hygiene, clean living, infectious diseases, antidotes and cures. It seems a lot of people were/are not humanitarians or caring teachers who want to share what they know or educate others. I heard one say, 'Knowledge is power', and creeps always want 'power over' others, I once heard evil bad corrupt political men and a bad greedy evil women say that it was thier rule 'to never teach nobody nothing and never tell anyone anything', they were funky creepy exploitative people, not good. Rothschild called miseducation ' the mushroom theory, ' which means to keep people in the dark and feed them bullsh-t.
I think I know why parasitic diseases are so under reported, misunderstood, under discussed and epidemic. Nutty chavanistic perverted polyamorus men like the masons, etc. want sick, poverty stricken young women who are weakend by parasites so they can, work over, rape and exploit them, and the nutty old men want to exploit, weaken, infect and kill off young males who are challengers for the young females. As young 16 year old females prefer young 16 year old males, not bald old pot bellied perverted men, so the perverted men kill young males off with diseases,poverty, parasite illnesses and deaths or exploitation. Women empowerment group
http://www.msmagazine.com blames nutty, sex crazed, perverted, exploitative old chavanistic greedy men for all the worlds diseases, poverty and over population problems. Crazy old pervert men want poverty and diseases so women are weakened and can be forced into sex worker slavery and 2 cent an hour nike shoe factory slavery and trapped as breeders and brood mares, and young males, seen as competitors are also weakened and killed off with miseducation and parasite diseases by old sickies males who have explotative motives. Also, some people are hard to educate and empower.... I know some animal owners get defensive and go crazy if I tell them not to live with pets unless the pets are treated monthly or seasonally and dewormed. I no longer say anything to pet owners about zoonotic animal to human fecal matter transmission of parasites. And promiscuous infected males go nuts if you try to tell them about stds, so I guess bad mds just got fed up teaching stubborn or unclean living people. I know 'if you lay down with dogs you get fleas'. I think bad mds got fed up trying to educate uneducable stubborn people so they just baffle people with medical bs doublespeak so the miseducated people never realize all thier diseases are caused by misinformation, thier lifestyles and thier lack of knowledge and antidotes, which leads to parasite infections, parasite larva and infectious parasite eggs transmitted via animal and human fecal matter in land, foods, soil and water. Infectious animal manure as fertilizer is very bad also. The saying, 'Eat sh-t and die' is an old saying of the rothschild family and is more of a truism then many realize. One teaspoon of infected fecal matter holds as many as 400 infectious hydatid tapeworm parasite eggs that in some cases do not become symptomatic for 10-15 years. And people put this infectious waste in thier vegetable gardens as fertilizer and eat it!!!!!! Yuck!
Hopefully with computers everyone will be educated about parasites and thier role as infectious disease causative agents and people will practice clean hygenic living and women will be empowered. It is still the darh ages and stone age for some humans though. Maybe they are too far gone or too trapped to even learn and practice clean living, good hygiene, correct sanitation, correct diet, correct animal husbandry and clean decent moral living. With time, correct education and disempowerment of nutty chavanistic perverted exploiters, things will change for the good. All things work for good to them that love God, as she is a very good God.