i am finding some great info about bacteria and the functions it plays in our bodies. one of the things that friendly bacteria does is to produce natural anti-biotic substances that destroy virus' and pathogens in the bowels long before they get into our blood stream and cause an infection.
but did you know that pharmacuetical corps grow bacteria in labs for the express purpose of harvesting these anti-biotic substances? they find bacteria, often soil based organisms, then study what kind of anti-bodies they produce, then test to see if those anti-bodies are affective in humans. then they charge you lots of money for them.
course you can bypass the whole system by encouraging a healthy colony of friendly bacteria in your gut that will generate those anti-bodies.
this link briefly discusses two
Antibiotics that are generated from bacteria of the bacillus species.
Antibiotic "Bacitracin" gets its name from a Bacillus that produced this substance that was removed from a wound in a girl named "Tracy". This drug interferes with peptidoglycan synthesis and is effective against gram positive organisms.
Antibiotic "Polymyxin" is also produced by a member of this genus. It alters the permeability of the cell membrane causing cells to leak their internal contents. It is effective against gram negative organisms.