here are two case studies on how SBO's helped people with health problems. the rest of the article i got this from is also very good.
Case Study – Jenny
Crohn’s disease is one example of how this reversed ratio of bad to good bacteria causes the immune system to become unbalanced, and the whole organism to suffer often as a result of autointoxication.
Jenny was in her teens and had her life ruined by Crohn’s. She had tried everything to cure it, from orthodox medicines to all kinds of alternative treatments. Underweight and continually fatigued she was having up to 30 bowel movements a day. It seemed as though her whole system was shutting down and she could die.
It was at this point that she began taking a food supplement of SBOs, which had been extensively tested by scientists in the United States. She didn’t experience immediate relief, but developed a backlash at first. The SBOs in the capsule were killing off large numbers of pathogenic organisms, and the toxic wastes from these dead bacteria began leaking through the porous walls of her weakened gut. So she actually felt worse before she began to feel better. After about 30 days she eliminated a black tar-like substance. It was the putrefying waste which had been clogging her colon and stopping nutrients from being absorbed. She didn’t see much improvement for 30 days, but kept on going because she had never before read such convincing research on a product. Gradually she began putting on weight and after a year had filled out, and her gut was functioning normally.
So how do they work in our system? As we ingest the SBOs, they pass through the stomach and form colonies of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. These attach themselves to the walls of the intestines. The food we eat works its way through the gastro-intestinal system and further micro-organisms are carried down the gut until the tract is totally lined with colonies of SBOs. Their unique action of getting behind and actually eating away the waste matter means that they keep the system clean, and vital nutrients can then be absorbed easily. They have the effect of restoring a healthy bacterial environment within our bodies. But their beneficial action on the human organism doesn’t stop there; they are responsible for a whole host of other health-related activities, as scientific tests have revealed. Perhaps the most important effect is that they trigger the immune system, encouraging it to work super-efficiently, by stimulating alpha-interferon production and pools of unprogrammed antibodies.
SBOs contain micronutrient doses of a wide range of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They encourage healthy cell growth and wound healing and help eliminate free radicals by creating superoxide dismutase (SOD). They also help the system to create human lactoferrin. This means that iron can be absorbed into the human system and therefore not left in its unabsorbed state where it is instead used by the bad bacteria.
People have reported an increase in energy and mental alertness after taking them for some time. They have also helped heal pets and plants!
SBOs are more stable than other supplements of friendly bacteria and can easily survive the journey through the acid stomach and reproduce themselves despite an unfavourable internal ecology.
Another case history reveals once again the many benefits that SBOs have on our system.
Case Study – Pauline
Pauline had been suffering from diabetes for ten to twelve years. During this time she had been through all the conventional routes to help sort out her problem, and also tried out a variety of alternative methods. She was taking insulin and felt generally ill and run down in all sorts of ways. She suffered from sluggishness, bouts of depression, recurring bouts of thrush and such strong food cravings that she could not stick to any diet for long. Dieting seemed to make her nervous and she consequently suffered from mood swings. She was in a catch-22 situation.
A health practitioner recommended that she try a specific supplement of SBOs from the USA, precisely because she seemed to have difficulty in absorbing enough nutrients, and because of the naturally aggressive and extremely efficient action it exhibited against all harmful bacteria.
As she says, “The difference was noticeable in about three weeks”. She felt a gradual change for the better in her everyday quality of life. Her head became clearer, and she no longer felt depressed. What was most interesting, she no longer suffered from food cravings and had not been tempted to eat even one square of chocolate since starting the supplement. Her bouts of thrush also cleared up.
Even more remarkable, an appointment with her optician had previously revealed the beginnings of deterioration in her eyesight. She had spots on her lens and deterioration at the back of the eye. Hospital tests had confirmed this. When she returned for her next eye appointment the spots on the lens had vanished and the other problem was not so bad. He asked her what she had been doing to have brought about such a positive effect.
She still takes insulin and feels that the SBOs are working gradually to bring progressive healing, rather than a sudden or dramatic cure.
In Pauline’s case the Soil-Based Organisms had quite a profound healing effect on her total system.
A Practitioner’s Viewpoint
Jill Davies is a herbalist with a busy practice based in Norfolk, and part of the umbrella group of herbal medicines, the EHPA. She has been using SBOs extensively in her practice for the past two years, with excellent results. She too felt that Western civilization was becoming so squeaky clean that this approach was actually weakening us.
She tends to use capsules of SBOs for many types of disorder, especially where the immune system has been compromised. These include asthma, Candida albicans, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ME, allergic conditions, as well as many others. For her, SBOs form an important part of a regime that also includes herbal remedies and dietary changes.
SBOs kick-start the immune system, which may have been operating at a reduced level for some time. They can therefore bring about what is known as a ‘healing crisis’, as the natural healing abilities of the body begin to function again. This may be relatively minor or more major, as in the case of Jenny above, depending on how long and to what extent the body has been sick.
Jill recommends that those taking SBOs as an aid to healing for more deep-seated problems do so under professional supervision. A healing crisis brings out hidden or dormant conditions and also emotions that often have their roots in the past. She feels that people should not go through such a crisis unaided. She recommends cutting down the dose of SBOs, or even stopping them for a couple of days, if a healing crisis does develop.
In her experience, healing with SBOs is usually slow but steady, although many people have found that acute problems have cleared after taking them for a relatively short time.
Jill stated that she uses a brand called Nature’s Biotics, because it has been extensively tested and she is impressed by the amount of research done on this particular formula with the resultant implications for health.