Hi Humaworm:
Interesting stories you've posted. Thank you they are helpful.
I've actually taken 60-90 day breaks, and didn't find that it made any difference and my main diet had a lot of pineapple, and green vegs. (Maybe your product would have helped me out earlier, it's hard to say.)
But, I ran into a serious problem which started with my 1st long break and I haven't been able to correct the problem for about a year. Ascaris traveling up the esphogus/throat causing serious problems when I slept (and sometimes throughout the day). This is how they traveled into the eyes and brain area, causing problems in those areas. There were days that I didn't have a life and didn't sleep for 3-5 days because the problem was that serious.
I sleep with herbs in my mouth to keep them in check. There has only been a few times that I've been able to sleep soundly without them coming up at night or during the day where I didn't have to sleep with anything in my mouth. I was only able to do this because I was trying out a product that was somewhat effective. It was so nice to be "normal" but these times were short-lived. I've consulted with people, literally, around the world about this and NO ONE has a real solution.
Whether or not there is a resistant problem or not, to stop all herbs as you suggested is a problem when they decide to migrate into this area. This is truly a Catch-22. Any suggestions? Every night, there is a warring battle of one coming up and poking underneath the tonsil with me trying to force it back down because it refuses to come all the way up. This is so very exhausting and tiring for those of us who have this problem. I would love to do as you suggested but haven't been able to do it.
I think the resistant problem is not only contributed to improper use of herbs but there maybe other factors too, such as, bioworms in our food chain, environmental toxins, medications, etc.