Thanks a lot Critterkids
I spoke with the homeopathic Vet today and I have an appointment next Wednesday. She is the ONLY vet of this sort within commuting distance (2 hours drive there) .. so she is my only possibilty. She is non practise and only advises on homeopathy.
Yes, she mentioned nosodes and that I was better just going to a pharmacy to get what I need ... and that her main job is to treat a specific dis-ease. She agreed to see me anyway, as I said it felt like a good idea for Baboo (puppy, 11 months) to get a health check ... and it's good for me to see someone who can give me an educated opinion on how well he's doing.
I am also registered witha very local vetinary practise (in case of an accident) but I definately do not like it there .. they just want $$$$$$ and were not happy about him being BARF (although he is physically very well on it).
I'm in the UK - so no Cesar Milan on TV (and even if he was on TV .. I wouldn't know because I haven't watched it for nearly a year) .. but recently someone sent me his website link, so maybe I can buy a book and learn more. I'll go and read up more on him, sounds very interesting and knowledgeable.
Thanks for the great suggestions! I will try them out and see how well I can do on my own.
And thanks for sharing what you know .. always very helpful posts from you.
Best wishes