I just googled about my nose running thing, and found that it happens to a lot of people. It has even been associated with a couple of causes. Interestingly, histamines appears to be one of the lesser likely causes. Vasomotor rhinitis appears to be the most likely. Oddly, it sounds a bit like me, especially the runny nose with the temp change. Now, why it is just starting to happen or I should say, increasing in frequency with my meals, I don't know. Perhaps it isn't related to the HCl at all, just coincidental. Or perhaps it is related to some clearing taking place in my sinuses that allows this reaction to take place in more settings than just the hiking trails. Weird pay-off for a successful cleanse. hehe.
I have noticed, that my die-off reaction from the
Iodine gargles are also producing a bit of fullness in my sinuses that could be preventing my leaky nose at meals, too. So, it really may not be HCl/histamine-caused. I'll have to keep observing this.