molly bloom
This is absolutely the best thing for bringing up phlegm. Every morning I cough up a bunch. Otherwise I bet that stuff would just be staying in there....
Speaking of phlegm, I want to turn the entire US Baseball teams onto this. I have never, in my life, witnessed more phlegm production.....I can barely watch this with my husband, I keep thinking how slippery those dugouts must be......yuck. And how does the pitcher keep from slipping all over the mound? What is it about baseball that produces so much phlegm?? It's a mystery...where do those guys get all that saliva??
I wish we could do a public service announcement regarding the efficient phlegm relieving therapy we have uncovered. I can see it now....
Person standing, mouth full, checks moving....(small glistening oil dribble down side of mouth)
Translation commentator speaking for the puller....extolling the virtues of pulling.
Then at the end.....spit, hack, phlegm ball....rinse....and "Thank you!!"