Hi, it sounds to me like perhaps your colon is in a healthy state and you just don't have much MP clogging your system. If you have been eating and cleansing as you describe, then that is a testament to the program you are following.
Ask your therapist if she thinks the reason you are not releasing much is a result of a
healthy Diet and lifestyle.
How is your overall health? If you are healthy and feeling good, and
colonics are not producing obvious significant results, you may just be in unusually good shape. Are you doing other cleansing at home, like enemas? If so that could also explain why you are not seeing much of a return during your
colonic sessions.
If so, then I would encourage you to continue eating healthy, scheduling a
colonic series each quarter at the change of seasons, and supplementing that with cleansing enemas and PB shakes as you feel necessary.
Best wishes, Valerie