molly bloom
Oh yea...what is that? Is it the transition of baby from the teat, to baby starting to push Mommy away? Perhaps it is so? Perhaps it is our biggest creation, that of life, that makes you focus on that piece of art for 2+ years. And when the child begins to instinctively push away from Mommy that you still yearn for that need to create? Maybe that's why some women, without other outlets, continue to have children?
My first major entrepreneurial feeling was when my child was two. I have heard this over and over from other women. Sometimes I think it's just being a prisoner (and I'm not using this in a BAD way) and then all of a sudden there is the freedom that comes with your child's maturity. I know it doesn't seem like you are free, but there are changes in relationship between Mother and child. They are subtle, but substantial.
It's an interesting concept, and I'm not surprised you are getting this second breath. It's actually right on cue.
The thing is, you are still very much on task, and unfortunately these free thoughts are what they are, just dreams. You will know when it is right to pursue them. Trust your instincts.
I very much believe, you do not "DO art", Art grabs you by the proverbial balls and DOES you. It's almost like when you were in labor, and you had to push. Could you stop that feeling? Hell no. And that's what art will do, it will be causing that tickle, telling you it's time. (and for you guys out's like when you really have to take a poop...similar, but different).
My art rant for the night. Love to all.