Sacred Sentinels
Assembling Your Light Team
Each of us, whether we realize it or not, moves through life in the
company of beings whose task is to watch over us. These ancestors,
spirit guides, angels, guardians, and ascended masters designated to
serve as protectors and guides take pleasure in their roles yet cannot
assist us without first being asked. Since the origins of our sacred
sentinels differ, we may choose whom we call upon for help based on
the situation at hand. However, in certain circumstances, particularly
those in which time is of the essence or there is the potential for
harm, we may feel the need to surround ourselves with our entire
complement of benevolent, watchful guardians at a moment's notice. To
do so, a great shortcut is to create and assemble a light team-a group
of spirit helpers who will come to our aid when we utter a simple word
or phrase.
The creation of a light team begins with the dedication of the words
that will serve as a shortcut in your time of distress, signaling to
your sentinels that you are requesting their support. Meditation, at
an altar or otherwise, can help you attract their attention, affording
you an opportunity to articulate your desire that they work in tandem
in certain instances. Creating a short ceremony in which you surround
yourself with objects you associate with the helpers you wish to
assign to your light team can ensure that those beings are in
attendance as you designate your shortcut. Creating this shortcut is
simply a tool. You can employ "light team" as your rallying cry or any
other words you feel comfortable using. The numerous guides and
guardians that see to your welfare will accept your choice gladly and
respond instantaneously when called.
Your light team will be there to assist you in those dangerous,
chaotic, or confounding moments when you don't have the time, energy,
or opportunity to center yourself and meditate on individual
sentinels. You can also call upon them when seeking guidance that
originates from a variety of perspectives. Whether the support they
provide comes in the form of guidance or wisdom, their combined
presence will give you a sense of security that strengthens you and
reminds you that you are never alone.