hi, I never used affirmations really, unless in a very informal way. I have worked a lot on myself, but never did this. Now I would like to give it a try and I could use some help, if you feel like.
I would like to use affirmations in a very focused way to change my approach on a specific subject. I would use very simple direct phrases that hit the point, so to say. I see you have here suggested many beautiful phrases, more expanded, and very rich of meaning, but my attitude at the moment would be for something extremely direct and focused.
I wondered what is the most effective way to use affirmations? I suppose the classic is to have several and write them 10 times a day, something like that, right? But would it be stronger to just have one at a time and repeat it to myself continuously throughout the day?
I have read that a classic period considered for affirmations to get integrated would be 21 days, but I read fledging in another forum mentioning only 18 hours?
I suppose I should just feel the affirmation is integrated and until then repeat it, no matter fo how long, but can you tell me something about the kind of feeling I should be waiting for? lack of resistance? indifference? ease?
thank you in advance