What's the specific blood text I should get to see if I have Herpes Type 2?
I just went yesterday for a HERPES IGM Test and I just found out today in another website that apparently to have this kind of test is worthless, that the accurate test is the IGG, is that true?
Also, I was told in a previous Herpes Test that I was Herpes Type 2 Positive; however, I have seen different pictures of how Herpes Type 2 shows up on a penis and I have never have that, I sometimes get very itchy in the groin area; but never on my penis.
How would I know when the Herpes is active then?
If I never have sores on my penis does that mean I can't infect someone else during vaginal sex?
Can you be infected twice of Herpes Type 2 or once you have it there's no such thing as getting infected again?
Hope you can help me with these questions