I am Type A- and I am a firm believer that we are under-educated on what it means to be Rh-Negative. In this Country doctors only seem to informa us during pregnancy, but not really any other time. Most other people find out when they go to donate blood. I am a advocate for bringing better education and information to the Rh-Negative Community. I have created a new site call the The Rh-Negative Registry, which can be seen at
and I hope you will all check it out. Beside posting any and all verifiable or common theory information I can find regarding the Rh-Factor here, you can also become a member.
In my mother's day, O+ blood was thought to be the "Universal Donor" type. However, modern medicine now realizes that it is actually O- blood that is considered the "Universal Donor" type. I say considered, because there are Rh- people who can only take a matching blood without complications. While emergency rooms all over the country try to have O- blood available for emergency use on near 100% of people, it is only created by 7% of the population. I see a big problem here...anytime we use more of a natural resource than can be naturally replaced, the outcome is never good.
I hope that you would all take a moment to check out the registry. I know there is a lot of
Conspiracy and taboo information around the origin theories of being Rh-Negative. But the truth is that every State in this Country conducts DNA genetic testing on children at birth and store the information for some period of time. In fact, parents in some states are actually suing over this issue. You can visit the Register Now page of
to find a LINK to see how long and in what manner, your state hold onto this information. Please note that we are in no way, a blood bank, storage or donation facility. This is the 1st Alternative to conventional blood donation methods. When you become a member, you join a network of Rh-Negative donors who see the importance of being ready and available, IF you are in need. You can give very little information to become a member and if you are ever in need, we contact the network members in your area, to help find matching and available donors. These network member receive a text, email or call based on their preference and approval; that simple says, " An Rh-Negative Member is in need of a matching and available (Either A-,B-,AB- or O-) blood donor. If you are able and available to donate, please report to the front desk at...(misc. hospital)."
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions. I think it is time we shed a little light on this subject and become pro-active in our ability to provide ourselves with the best medical treatment and options. I had a spontaneous miscarriage before I ever learned I was Rh-Negative. Had I been educated earlier, I may have been able to prevent or at least mentally prepare for a potential loss. I hope other people will have the ability to use my experience in a way that lets them become more educated and to educate their children about this genetic abnormality. I happen to be a child that came from two, what I call half-breeds...lol, who both carried and passed on the recessive Rh-Factor to me. of 11 children in my family, not one is a match...Again the site is
and I hope you will at least bookmark us for the future, as the site will always be updated to try and create a great resource for people to being the journey of self education and exploration!