Ouchy! Those do hurt and will be painful for a few days. Just eat a "loose" diet like fruits\soft veggies (like steamed squash and nothing acidity) and it will heal. Maybe put some aloe vera gel around the area to calm down the irritation.
Hi Milgurl, Try treating it locally with some homeopathic rectal suppositories. I heard these work great for lesions in the rectum. Their called Avenoc rectal suppositories from Boiron. Call a health food store and see if you can find them. Their all homeop with cocoa butter to sooooothe the burn and painful hurt. Insert as directed. Make some diet changes and drink plenty of water. Rectal fissures can take a while to heal because of their location. Avenoc should speed your recovery.:>) Jm
my ass isnt burny 24/7. it is off and on. like right now it is while im sitting. the underside of my thighs are sore as well. when i get up and walk my butt feels wet and burny..i hope my new diet helps all of this..
Say to youreslf that this new diet /lifestyle WILl help your butt and will also turn you into a superbeing. Begin reprogramming that mind every step of the way.