Hi Moreless,
Well, unfortunately the pain has increased again. My Salivary pH is at 6.5, and Urinary is between 6.75 and 7.0, Urinary Brix 2.5 (These are midday readings).
I'm functioning at a *very* low level of efficiency right now Moreless, so it's a struggle to find the energy to do anything.
I may have taken in too much CH, so am backing it off to half, starting today (This will mean from 12 to 6 tbsp). Also the ACV seems to be causing me some trouble, it just tastes nauseatingly acid, so after barfing it twice I have removed the ACV from the Drink and am relying upon squeezed Lemon only. That means the Drink consists of BSM, ES pinch, 6-8 TBSP CH, 1/2 Lemon, distilled H2O. I hope that's OK. I drink 1 per day, sipping on it over several hours, with 2-4 capsules of Kelp every time I eat (This means 2 or 3 times/day). First dose of the day will be 4 caps Kelp, following doses during the day are 2 or 3 caps each.
Still doing ES by the pinch, with meals. I have the last meal of the day much earlier than I used to now, about 3 hours before sleep.
This feels like some kind of a systemic toxemia going on, and it seems to be trapped trying to exit.
My footbath schedule got thrown off, but the good news is I can now tolerate a cold-ending shower, so I have been doing that, along with soaking in a cool swimming pool every couple of days.
I have several ideas for what to do, but am fighting to find the energy to execute them.
I did have to evacuate for a hurricane which Thank God did not strike here,and so have been away from my normal tools for ~6 days until yesterday.
Now, the *good* news is, the "cement" feeling in my muscles is much less, I continue to have more flexibility, increasing in teeny increments.
I have noticed that I typically feel worse for a few days, then I seem to notice some improvement that was not there before.
Sorry Dear Moreless, that I don't seem to be my normal self today, I'm sure it will be better later :-). I didn't want to leave you unanswered.
Boy do I look forward to getting back to normal :-)
Good Health to All of Us,
Ladylove :-)