It took me a few months of a raw diet with lots of
juicing to see ph in the "normal" range. Collards were the most "alkalinizing" for me. Wheatgrass (oceangrown) also was a powerful alkalinizer.
To fill in all the minerals (frequencies) one can look to a full range of raw bounty of highly minerlaized (full spectrum) plants and fruits, along with things such as primordial sole.
This may be a shocking statement for many who look as alkalinity as the holy grail of healing. It is a rough indicator of health and not the ultimate statement. One can read as being alkalinized but still not be truely balanced. This is due to the possiblity of having many of the macro minerals present that could indicate a "normal" ph but there could be a wide array of very important trace minerals lacking, with significant consequences on health and balance.
The wider array of minerals present in a balanced state, creates a full crystaline spectrum that is akin to a wider pipline of experiencial transmission/transceiving.
In otherwords, these crystal "frequenices" are like full spectum tuners. Miss some and you miss tapping into the "full" potentiality of the "electric" unovers of consciousness.
As far as what I have done, and the history of my journey, it would literally take several books to do the journey justice. It has been magical to say the least.
My message is simple. FLOW with Cohernecy. Remain open and clear.(all levels) Be a projector, not a collector.
It is beneficial to decongest our terrain at all levels (flow), realign to nature (raw diet, lack of toxicity, etc) be in an open, creative state, and above all understand that we are here to experience a vantage point of the totality of "god." We do not serve, we participate, equally with no heirarchy above us or below us. We are connected, not fragmented. This isn't a child/parent scenario. It's a holographic experenical "you"niverse. ;-)
Understanding this will work to project a reality that heals. The biggest realization that will heal anyone on a healing journey, is that we co/create our reality and we are not victims. We are responsible for our experience by what we choose to beleive is true for us. This is why belief systems are the number one thing to examine to begin healing(balancing/harmonizing). If this is not done, then a person will continue to filter everything through an incoherent, fragmenting interference pattern. If we see ourselves as victims, we will continue (in a loop) attracting experiences that will justify those filters. "God" has not written any script. "God" is unfolding. The totality of the experience is god.
So at all harmonics (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual), we must have unblocked flow and our thought forms should be coherent so as not to work against themselves which creates disharmony and dis ease. I like to think of health and optimal experience as raw ongoing creativity. The opposite of this pure, open state of infintie potentiality is what I call "God Dammed". This is an interesting metaphor as it shows that we can, through incoherent choices, block the abundant flow that is us, and through the fragemtation, experience various degrees of entropy. It is our choice to do so.
I am working on a website that will go into more detail about all of this. ;-)