I came upon this discussion site and thought i might add my own insights....i suffered from systemic candida for a number of years, spent thousands of dollars, consulted numerous doctors, took a myriad of tests and tried countless "cures", some of which may have, indeed, helped others but did not help me,....after much frustration i finally resolved my candida issues myself. I followed the proper sugar-free diet, and took GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT according to bottle instructions, twice a day, before breakfast, and before bed w/a large glass of water or herbtea. I began to see almost immediate positive results. After doing this for a year or so, i can say that i am probably cured as long as i eat a sensible diet. I continue to use the Grapefruit seed extract once in a while just to cleanse. Works for me....maybe it will work for others, as well. But, be careful, this extract is powerful...must be taken with plenty of water. I strongly suggest you educate yourself on the subject before taking it.