MH 108
I buy the colon books by the case, every home should have 1.
A 5 year old should not have anything accumulated in their colon, if so the diet must have been one of the most gross; tonight I seen a Mom at a store and her son was maybe 7-8 years old and he had to weight 250# and his mom maybe 400#. Maybe a child fed like this could be compacted already, but other wise once the raw eaten fruit is coming out the problem should heal on its own. I would only use an enema on a child when it has a sever cold and then only a small amount of short duration and normally 1 is enough.
I presume a child can have it's mother's inherited bowel problems, but still the age is a bad start in life. I would concentrate on diet mostly and use only the amount of herbs needed. A 5 year old can swallow the LBB in single 0 size, I have these now but have not told anyone, my 5 year old swallows the double 0 size now with no problems. I would suggest a single 0 capsule 3x daily until the situation was cleared up and then rely on diet if possible.