In reading this article there are several things to consider regarding the problems incurred from ingestion of bentonite.
First, the cat was also dehydrated. When using with any cleansing is very important to consume enough water. Half your body weight in
ounces of water should be consumed as a rule; more if you consume caffeine or other diuretic substances; and still more if you are engaged in any cleansing program.
Second, there was evidence that the clay had accummulated in the intestines. If one is sufficiently hydrated and also using a fiber product along with the
Bentonite the intestines will be swept preventing any clay build-up. Since the clay was coating the walls of the intestines nutrient and water absorption was compromised. This also occurs when there is a build-up of putrified mucoid material...which is part of the reason for cleaning it out.
Third, the combination of dehydration and constipation means that toxins were not being eliminated from the cat. With any cleansing program it is essential that the channels of elimination remain open and regularly expel any toxic material that is being released from the tissues and organs. This is why a
Bowel Cleanse should always be the first step on any detoxification program.
It should also be kept in mind that the quality of
Bentonite in cat litter would certainly not be the same as the
Bentonite that is used for cleansing, and there may well be other
additives in the cat litter. In addition, if the cat was ingesting its litter it was also ingesting its own waste.
Bentonite, along with high fiber intake and sufficient water, is a very simple and effective way of clearing the colon of toxic debris and is a good first step at detoxifying the body.