Several of the Amish girls we know got a driver and paid us a visit today to use the leg shakers (chi machine). They do this when they can afford a driver (about $25). Mom was not with the girls (3), I asked why and she was staying home with her mother who had a stroke some time back and her entire left side paralized and also lost her husband this summer as well. So now each child is taking care of Mom about 5 weeks each, this means Mom is carted from one state to the other as most all kids live accross the country.
I mentioned to the 30 year old girl who has studied all my herbal methods that granny could possibly cured with the orange juice method; she said I know; but old granny demands sugar put on everything and plenty of salt and will give us what for if we don't meet her demands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She and I knew granny received her just due from Nature... This poor 30 year old girl has never had the first boyfriend, she was born with fixed eyes, they do not move and either she has chosen to never date or maybe the boys have chosen to not date her, I do not know which, but she is a slender strong girl that barely looks 21, she gets up and milks the cows at 4am and owns her own dress shop in the back of the family house. Her Brother Sam who I have spoke of before who cured his lifelong headaches via the sitz bath was in a buggy that was hit by a car this summer; after not being able to walk for 6 weeks, a new x-ray showed he had a broken shoulder and broken leg. When taken to the emergency room the attending doctors said he only was slightly fractured and sent him home.
I believe they lied to the family and Sam because he had no $$$ and he smelled like a old dirty Amish and the Hospital wanted rid of him. The wreck was caused by the car and not the buggy drivers fault, this means the car driver had insurance and could pay all the bills, etc. This makes me wonder if the local insurance people are in cahoots with the doctors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As a result, Sam has been laid up all summer and even in a wheel chair for some time, he is about 20 years old, but not married. He easily could have been killed, another in the buggy nearly was. None of the bills have been paid, etc. I told them to sign NOTHING, the hospitals/doctors will seek their $$$ from the person's car insurance eventualy.... I went on to explain that car insurance would not only cover your bills, it will also cover damages, loss of work, loss of health, etc... and that any other person would easily get $40,000.00+ in damages for loss wages and a whole summer of suffering, etc. and so far they never got a dime to repair the loss buggy that cost about $2,000.00 to build. She said it is not the Amish Way to ask for insurance $$$ and I said that is why the Insurance Companies and Hospitals ignore your sufferings, to them they see this as $$$$$$$$$ and laugh all the way to their banks.
Thus is the plight of the Amish in the USA, they choose to drive horse and buggy on the busy highways and they get hit all the time, I have never been to an Amish Area that I didn't see smashed up buggys in the barns of many and at the local blacksmith they have smashed buggys lined up like we have junk yards of cars.
This particular family sees my Virgina Snake Root tincture as just about the best thing to come along in their history of using herbs, a few months ago they took all I had, which was about 8 years old and I sold it way too cheap!!!!!!!!! I did not know it was practically impossible to find now. Back then it was over $80 a pound, now it is over $200 a pound and no longer available from everyone we have asked. I sent for seeds to grow it, I should have done this years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is just 1 more herb, the same as many have been obsolete and must be wildcrafted by those in the know. It was the most powerful liver tonic herb I had and now the liver "itch" tonic is obsolete until I can find it or wait and grow it. This is a sign of the things to come, fewer and fewer good herbs will be available unless we grow out own, just as Dr. John R. Christopher preached for years and the reason he made his books.