Staci R.
I have tried fasting and eating and both produced the same results. I do recommend the apple juice or malic acid for a week prior though as they do help soften the stones for departure. I would say eat up to the day of the flush in a light and healthy way so that you have the strength to endure the process. Otherwise you could end up feeling very weak and depleated afterwards from the
Epsom Salts . Also keep WELL hyrdated before and after the flush and possible invest in some calmag fizz by Baywood (A perfect calcium/magnesium combo) and some Emergenc electrolyte drink packets that rebalance your vitamin C and mineral reserves. If you have a juicer carrot juice is amazing as a post flush regenrator for the liver. As is olive oil 3 times a day 1 tbs at a time with 1 tbs of lecithin granuals mixed with it or seperate. The lecithin has made HUGE difference for me in healing my liver congestion. I wish I had done it sooner. Just be sure to back off of it (do it 1 time daily but keep doing the olive oil 3 times a day) as soon as you start feeling like your liver is functioning better so you dont over do it.
I also eat Bieler broth after my flushes as it regenrates the liver salts quickly and gets rid of the enflammed feeling faster. You can find the recipe at Just look in the FAQ under The Essential Recipes. Any recipe you find there will be very healing to this process. I especially like the protien shakes as they help rebuild strength also.
Good luck!