I live about 8 miles from Horizon Farms. They have been around forever. There used to be some conventional farms around but they disapeared the last ten years or so when Gilbert, Az realestate became popular. Too tell you the truth I never knew they were organic until just a few years ago because when you drive by their cows are in pens crowded like the other farms. I can tell you they do roam around within their pins but it's all on dirt not grass. Of course grass doesn't grow real well here either but.... Anyways, I have seen the farm since I drive by it allot and have even gone in there and bought milk from this fridge they have where you pay and take a half gallon. So in the end I am sure they don't use the hormones but they are not free range by any stretch. Oh and their little pic on the carton looks NOTHING like the farm.
Anyways, I think to be labled organic a farm should have to follow a bit more strict proctules like being free range, grass fed ect.. but in the end it's the big companies and the gov that runs everything and for change to happen we consumers have to make a big stink!