I started my own group,for parents trying to find their child/children.
It gets my info up trying to find my daughter & maybe help others.
I'm concerned about writing information that my daughter maybe one day
could read.I really don't want to be informing her of what went on,despite
the MASSIVE PAIN he has left me with all these yrs.
I will talk a little on something I rarely ever mention.When I gave birth
to my daughter,I suffered severe post natal
Depression & also a breakdown.
The beatings my head copped (his violence was boxer punching my head),I'd
fled leaving my baby with her dad & came back to my home city but didn't
get in contact with my mother(I always rang her).My ex came looking for me,
I'd been writing to him-we bumped into each other at the post office where
I was collecting & sending mail.He took me to my parents house & the doctor
wanted to put me in mental hospital for awhile.I was put on anti-depressants.
I only just convinced him not to forcibly send & keep me in a hospital.My
mother didn't tell the doctor days later I'd taken an overdose of the meds
& drank strong alcohol,suicide attempt.My partner & I fought,there was a major
blew including my mother & him.Police were called they tried to talk me out of leaving with my partner.We left & headed back to the country where we were living.I'd been on medication for a few weeks & threw them away.Partner reckoned
it was all an act & I wasn't that bad.
The beatings got worse from then on.From when my daughter was 3&half months old,
I was alot better & used to beg him to let me take her with me,when I was leaving him after another beating.I totally believed every threat he ever said to me.The
last time I begged him to let me leave with our daughter,he almost killed me
with a tomahawk.I sit here & cry as I remember,I just hope my daughter doesn't
hate me.Many lies were told about me,to other people-I didn't find that out until
he'd left our town without telling me when they were leaving or where they were going.
I'll write more another time.
Das.(Denice Stanford)