One important issue I see is grief that is stored in your lungs. This makes you tired and less energetic. You might have had lung infections in the childhood that have made this area a little vulnerable to further stress.
Also, there seem to be issues connected to your own delivery or you as a foetus inside your mother’s stomach due to the umbilical circulation. Deep emotional work may help you to uncover and heal these issues or you may work on yourself through a meditation where you connect to your inner child and communicate with her and heal her.
You might have had colic as a child. It would be nice to have a release of the T6 area that corresponds with the stomach. There is a restriction in the dura here. You may feel some pain or stiffness in upper thorax.
Further I see a lesion in left part of diaphragm, just up of the stomach. This may be an indication that the Vagus nerve is facilitated is this area. Also the right axillary nerve, brachial plexus and levator scapula nerve needs release. There may be a slight compression in the C2-3 area and of the vertebral artery on the right side as well. This may again cause reduced blood flow to Cerebellum and if it is so it will make you feel tired. Also try to get a balancing of the structures around the eyes.
There is also a main blockage that needs to be released between the left kidney and sigmoid colon, which is probably the left ovary. You need some good work on sigmoid colon, left ovary and kidney.
Ask if any therapist/osteopath near around you know peripheral nerve release and know how to work on the circulatory system (arteries and veins) and viscera.
This you can do to help yourself:
-There is an imbalance in the root chakra that may cause a problem in the genital area/ uterus. Important to connect the root chakra to the heart. Place one hand just up of the symphysis and another hand on the heart for 30 minutes for at least 7 days or until you feel a good connection.
-Place your hands for at least half an hour every day and energetically connect upper part of chest to different areas of your body where you feel a problem and meditate and visualize that these areas are being connected and healed.
-Connect left ovary to the heart and sacrum by placing the hands on these areas. When connection is established connect these areas to the back of your head.
If you are not familiar with sensing your own energy, still keep on doing these holds, it has an effect even though you may not feel the energetic connection. Eventually you will feel as well.
-Remove toxins from your body. Especially the small intestine and kidneys need your focus. Try a complete kidney cleanse or at least take supplements/herbs like Uva Ursi, Ginger, B6, and Magnesium Oxide that will strengthen the kidney. Cranberry juice/capsules will acidify the urine and make you less vulnerable to infection. Omega 3-6-9 and bio acidophilus capsules are highly recommended.
-Go for a walk every day to increase the circulation and oxygen intake.
-Another meditation you can do is to focus on your inner child and ask her what she needs to feel strong and happy. Visualize and feel that you offer your inner child whatever she need to feel strong, healthy and content, with a good image about herself.
Wish you all the best.
One important issue I see is grief that is stored in your lungs. This makes you tired and less energetic. You might have had lung infections in the childhood that have made this area a little vulnerable to further stress.
Also, there seem to be issues connected to your own delivery or you as a foetus inside your mother’s stomach due to the umbilical circulation. Deep emotional work may help you to uncover and heal these issues or you may work on yourself through a meditation where you connect to your inner child and communicate with her and heal her.
You might have had colic as a child. It would be nice to have a release of the T6 area that corresponds with the stomach. There is a restriction in the dura here. You may feel some pain or stiffness in upper thorax.
Further I see a lesion in left part of diaphragm, just up of the stomach. This may be an indication that the Vagus nerve is facilitated is this area. Also the right axillary nerve, branchial plexus and levator scapula nerve needs release. There may be a slight compression in the C2-3 area and of the vertebral artery on the right side as well. This may again cause reduced blood flow to Cerebellum and if it is so it will make you feel tired. Also try to get a balancing of the structures around the eyes.
There is also a main blockage that needs to be released between the left kidney and sigmoid colon, which is probably the left ovary. You need some good work on sigmoid colon, left ovary and kidney.
Ask if any therapist/osteopath near around you know peripheral nerve release and know how to work on the circulatory system (arteries and veins) and viscera.
This you can do to help yourself:
-There is an imbalance in the root chakra that may cause a problem in the genital area/ uterus. Important to connect the root chakra to the heart. Place one hand just up of the symphysis and another hand on the heart for 30 minutes for at least 7 days or until you feel a good connection.
-Place your hands for at least half an hour every day and energetically connect upper part of chest to different areas of your body where you feel a problem and meditate and visualize that these areas are being connected and healed.
-Connect left ovary to the heart and sacrum by placing the hands on these areas. When connection is established connect these areas to the back of your head.
If you are not familiar with sensing your own energy, still keep on doing these holds, it has an effect even though you may not feel the energetic connection. Eventually you will feel as well.
-Remove toxins from your body. Especially the small intestine and kidneys need your focus. Try a complete kidney cleanse or at least take supplements/herbs like Uva Ursi, Ginger, B6, and Magnesium Oxide that will strengthen the kidney. Cranberry juice/capsules will acidify the urine and make you less vulnerable to infection. Omega 3-6-9 and bio acidophilus capsules are highly recommended.
-Go for a walk every day to increase the circulation and oxygen intake.
-Another meditation you can do is to focus on your inner child and ask her what she needs to feel strong and happy. Visualize and feel that you offer your inner child whatever she need to feel strong, healthy and content, with a good image about herself.
Wish you all the best.