The head is the receiver, non like an intena or radar dome, if it is not in perfect condition, the person can not function perfectly. The brains are in the spinal, heart, and stomach areas. Some of the most powerful people to ever walk this earth have incrediable power come from their stomach region, they have mastered their powers, they can kill by touch or heal by touch as well as start a fire with their hands anytime they choose, this has been documented by PBS years ago as well as the "Shadow CIA" who stay in a locked room and travle to the land of the enemy and watch them and then return and report the enemies location and activities, again, all documented by PBS years ago.
The power of the brain is dumbed by wrongful education since the 4th century and the use of metals to clog and make the body ill. The people in power would have no power if they didn't keep the masses "dumbed", they started in the 4th century by burning to death most of the men in this world and making the women and children their slaves to report to the castles with their foods and offerings. Most want to believe we are out of the dark ages and in reality we are deeper than ever, the human race is being poisoned more than ever in history. The air pollution made by man will be man's end. We are what we breathe.