excerpt from
Acne Miracle, by Leo Kiesen
Mineral content…
Plants cannot manufacture minerals, they must be absorbed from the soil that plant grows in. If the fruit, vegetable, or grain was grown in soil deficient in minerals then that fruit, vegetable, or grain will not have those minerals present in them.
Anyone who has grown fruits and vegetables will tell you that the soil will eventually "ware out" because the crop strips the soil of minerals. Modern day agriculture has come up with a solution to this problem via the use of chemical fertilizers.
Fertilizers are suppose to replace lost minerals back into the soil. The problem is that commercial fertilizers only replace nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous…NPK as the fertilizer is called. But our bodies need nearly 50 different minerals for optimal health. We need nearly 50 minerals, but only 3 minerals are being replaced back into the soil with commercial fertilizers. All the other essential minerals eventually become depleted from the soil.
Now if you're in agriculture I'm sure you will argue that crop rotation will alleviate this problem, but it only does so temporarily…eventually the soil will become stripped of minerals that are not replaced.
The end result is commercially grown food that is devoid of minerals.
The ancient Egyptians used to celebrate the flooding of the Nile River. The reason is because when the Nile flooded it brought to the flood plains new silt, which replenished the mineral makeup of the soil. They knew that crops grown on these flood plains were nutritional superior.
Vitamin content…
Plants can manufacture vitamins, but vitamins unlike minerals are easily destroyed by heat and oxidation. Once a fruit or vegetable is picked the vitamin content goes down steadily. The longer the fruit or vegetable is stored the more loss in vitamins occur. And veggies and fruits are often picked very green and are sometimes in storage for months at a time before they are finally brought to market.
Not only that, veggies and fruits grown using commercial pesticides and herbicides do not produce nearly as many vitamins as those grown without these poisons.
The end result is food that is virtually devoid of vitamins. In fact I've seen studies where a commercially grown orange had NO vitamin C by the time it was brought to market.