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Well, I'm not a pro but this is what helped me:
The fungus on my big left toe was so bad that my nail is actually disintegrating now. I checked my urine for metals and they were high. I spent 9 months removing he metals........I suggest bio-chelat and clay baths, can be found on
http://www.evenbetternow.com along witht the home urine test kits. Now that my metals are gone (last 2 urine tests came back clean) I've noticed the new nail growth at the bottom is completely normal and clean!! Just a thought, good luck. I am still searching for answers with my thyroid, etc., but I did notice a correllation between my nail fungus and heavy metal poisoning. I discovered the bio-chelat after being ripped off by a dr. for iv dmps chelation which is not safe the bio-chelat is much milder and it was very effective for me.